Piss off or Buy Me A Beer
CM2 BTW how much is the going rate for bulk buy honey per kg in Melb? Just a guide mate?
bahahahha. gold.
there's also a place in blackburn (5 minutes from my house) called leawood honey. They are getting back to me on a price list.
I'll start a new thread in BB (abreviated to save kittens) when i get the price lists.
Chappo. When i did the search for honey wholsesalers/suppliers there were quoite a few up in QLD. so you shouldnt have any issues. just got to find someone to organise it.
Just remember that mead takes a while to age, a year plus for some, and you don't drink it like beer so making 20 lt batches can be a little excessive. If I ever run out of Mead I will stick to the 5 lt demijohn batches.
Andrew thanks for the linkies. I will trawl over those tonight and the next week I guess.
If I can indulge in your Mead knowledge a little bit more. Mead really interests me for some reason?
So ferment is basically the same as beer, yes? Longer but you use the same gear?
What bottles do you use to store/mature the mead in? Wine bottles? Or Champagne bottles (I have a ready supply of those for my ginger beer). Or is a demijohn better?
BTW: SJ and CM2 why don't you just get a room?... :lol: