Has Your Brewery Weathered The Storm ?

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Doctor's Orders Brewing
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Woke up this morning to find my brewery had only just avoided being demolished.
The back neighbour has/had a big tree in that back corner of their yard.
It fell across the back of their yard, over/through our fence narrowly missing my new pergola. Phew.
If it had fallen a couple of metres the other way it would have taken out my brewery and home theatre room.
The brewery is the shed on the side of the house in the following pictures.

Hope everyone else has survived the storm intact.




Jeez mate, that was close. Lot of debris around here, seems to be lifting a bit now.

The hills are alive with the sounds of chainsaws.

Lookout Doc, just had a look on BOM radar. Looks like it is making another pass out your way.
I was about to go to bed at 1:30am and was taking a piss when i looked out the window and saw our gum tree in the neighbours yard! very very lucky it caused no damage whatsoever apart to me sleeping in...
narrowly missed 2 houses, power lines front fence and my car. Couldnt have planeed the fall any better. Streets are a complete mess, trees everywhere, the lake is 0.9m higher today with more rain on the way. every second house has a tree down! power is out up the road. Very messy....
the brewery is fine tho :)
Holy cow!! close call Doc.

May have to look at Brewery Insurance... :blink:

Holy crap! very lucky miss mate.

Can't say I've noticed much damage around my house, but it's certainly been a miserable couple of days!

I just hope that the warragamba catchment copped a heap of rain as well!
Sounds like the Warragamba damn has caught some rain which is great.
My brewery almost got flooded this arvo with the last downpour. Water was within 1 mm of the top of the slab the shed is on. Phew.
Sounds like round two of the storm tonight. Fingers crossed the three old monster trees in my front yard survive, otherwise either my house or one of my neighbours will cop it big time.


The hills are alive with the sounds of chainsaws.

Lookout Doc, just had a look on BOM radar. Looks like it is making another pass out your way.

not only the hills mate theres a tree with about a meter and a half diameter trunk up rooted around the corner from me .... chainsaws abuzzin everywhere it seems

powers also out at my place so to rescued from the boredom a trip to the local net cafe for an AHB fix ....
Glad yer safe and the brew as well.
My garage floor got a bit wet as usual in the rain.
No flash floods my way and the brew is safe
A few tree are a bit bare and very gloomy.
Perfect temps for W34/70. 12 degrees. ^_^
Down south it's still raining, although we've had no wild winds. Hopefully it will be a bit finer tomorrow, or else my planned Vienna lager will be shelved..
Out west we're all ok. Rain and cold, but I'm not complaining. Actually, only thing I'm complaining about is the heating they just put in my dorm - keeps my room at a stock 20'C! I'm fine with it, but WHAT ABOUT MY LAGERS???

My brother and his mates went down the coast for the long weekend though - not too sure how they're liking it :D

Lucky miss everyone thats had trees fall close to them...must be brewers luck hey?
Just posted in Stories from the Hunter.

Thought that a link may be relevant here.

My brewery is on the back verandah, so it's OK, but the maturation area is submerged. More pix to follow tomorrow if there's any electricity/ internet access.

Seth :p
My only brewery casualty so far is my pressure pump. It was down the well when the water came up and turned it into a submersible. Seeing as I used the water from this pump for my chiller, I may have to pull out the no-chill cube...
Glad to see that your brewery never got damaged there Doc. Would have been a major shame, I have had the pleasure of sampling a few of your brews, and if that was put on hold then everyone is in trouble.

On the up hand of course is the fact that half the country is in drought and rain is the only saviour. I can only hope that the rain lasts a while longer and those in hard time prosper from it. I couldn't imagine the harshness of what would happen if rain never arrived and paved the way for me to plant my crops/water my crops/feed my stock or fill our dams. As it is half the country is on restrictions. Gone are those glorious days of running under the sprinkler as a kid or just washing your car for free.

Here is to the luck of the brewer and of course the much welcomed and needed rains.


Rain? What rain....... :blink:

It's been as dry as a Nun's nasty here! :ph34r:
Hang in there Doc et al - and next time you nude up and do a late night raindance, Doc, please direct hughie down here ok! :D


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