Has Been Given Some Yeasts, But Want To Know What Beers To Make.

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yet another recipe thread........

the father in law brought over all his home brew gear this morn, (giving it up due to health problems) and it came with 4 wyeasts:

4766 - Cider (gotta fair idea what to do with this one.... any ideas are welcome though)
1388 - belgian strong ale
2001 - urquell lager (already know what im doing with this one - thanks bribieG ;) )
2124 - bohemian lager

dunno what to do with the 1388 (maybe a heineken style ???) and the 2124.
theyve got till the start of next month till theyre outta date.

p.s these will all be bottle conditioned.
Belgian ale belgian goldn strong or a tripel.

Bohemian lager - bo pils, munich lager, bock, doppelbock, baltic porter, marzen, aussie lager or even a cider.
WYeasts website would be my best port of call to work out styles

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