Happiness Is ...

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The King of Spain

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Finding a box of ESB you had forgotten about. I thought it was a box of empties till I went to move it.

Its about six months old and has gone from being good to fantastic. Pours and retains a head like nothing else I have brewed.

Now I know what the patient people drink :)
Happiness is :-

Having all my kegs full of beer

Pumpy :)

How ill feel when i find my infection starter in my set up and kill it off!!!
That first sip of a new brew, and you find all is well with your world.....
That first beer, after cleaning the boiler and putting another child into the womb which is a temp controlled fermenter.

.....which I've just done. Another double choc stout begins it's journey.....

Cheers - Mike
the magic I feel after sipping one of my own made beers

cheers amita
That first beer, after cleaning the boiler and putting another child into the womb which is a temp controlled fermenter.

.....which I've just done. Another double choc stout begins it's journey.....

Cheers - Mike

Struth having that last baby sounds like its made you clucky :lol:

Happiness is when the baby grows up and is ready to leave the womb. This might sound incestuous but then we can enjoy our baby far far more than simply watching it develop. ;)
Happiness is the smell of boiling german malts during a decoction (better than hops IMO)

Happiness is the look on a K&K home brewers face when that taste my beers :eek:

Happiness is watching the grain run through the Mill i Built myself, and the beer brew in the Rig i built myself.

Happiness is pouring the first glass from the keg and finding its cryatal clear, perfectly carbed and taste great too!

Happiness is when my wife who doesnt like beer taste one and says...........mmm thats nice.

Happiness is taking out a top place in a major brewing comp.......... thats an awsome feeling :)

Happiness it working out how to drain every drop of wort from your brewery and leave behind all the hops and break.

Happiness it the constant adventure of trying new malts, new hops, new yeats and combinations of them all. New mash scheduals, new decoction scheduals, new kegging methods, ................ learning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness is sitting at work getting paid, playing with promash working out my next 20 beers in advance.

Happiness is Sitting in the shade in the heat or cold (doesnt matter) with good company and good beer, and enjoying it responsibly!

Oh...... and happiness is crusing in my V8 Ute with its noisy exhaust :D

Spending an afternoon making beer, while drinking beer and not have your wife whinge once :eek:
Happiness is.... Taking a sip of the first beer poured from your almost finished, yet completely working Tight-Arse Kegerator! :)
Looks like you got your priorities sorted Tony, Keep up the good work champ.

Cheers Steve

P.S. shouldnt there be something in your post about that sex thing :huh:
Having great brewing mates that make this hobby (obsession) all the more better-thanks fellas

I saw this on a T-shirt once and I cant resist;

Happiness is World Peace

and a blow job!

Happiness is a newly finished brewery :D fiiiinnnnnnnnnnnaaallllllllllyyyyy............................... :blink: now life can get back to normal.....
Having great brewing mates that make this hobby (obsession) all the more better-thanks fellas



PLUS: Being somewhere where one has to drink commercial shite at $3+/pot, knowing there are at least 6 kegs of nectar at home, all better and waaaay cheaper.
Happiness is a newly finished brewery :D fiiiinnnnnnnnnnnaaallllllllllyyyyy............................... :blink: now life can get back to normal.....

Knowing that is not in my shed has just made me depressed, prick :lol:
... when you taste yet another attempt at a beer style you really like and decide... yep - that'll do... this recipe goes into the "house beer" book to be made over and over again...

... when you give one of your brews to a friend and get a "that's really good! how'd you make it!" rather than a "hmmm, not bad..."

... long distance ground swell, 5-6ft waves, light offshore breeze, perfect banks or reef break, no more than 6 people out, and no need to rush home for family duties

... as an opening bowler in cricket... that one day in the season when the conditions are perfect, you have a perfect rhythm, and you are actually bowling fast... a couple of yards faster than any other day... fast enough to bowl a decent bouncer and you can actually see some fear in the batsmen (only happened a few times... will never happen again... too old now)