Handling 100 Litres Of Beer In A Night ! Beat That

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C'mon pumpy you need to do better than 100L to be in the game mate.
Thanks Gerard can't wait to have a beer with you once your all set up down there

I learnt my lesson when I thought a triple brew day was going to take the cake until I found out that Pumpy does these with monotonous regularity and even while painting the house. So be warned fellas.


I'm a big ESB fan. My latest batch is a bit too bitter. Colour is spot on as is the front of mount malt flavour.
The back of the mouth nutty malt flavour is lacking and Its just too bitter at present. I'm hoping it will calm down with age.

Any chance you can point me towards your favorite ESB Reciepe ??


Bog check out 'Smicks ESB' I make most of mine based on his recipes he seems to have a nice balance.

'credit where credit is due'

pumpy :)
Did an unintentional triple brew day/evening/morning last week. First one started at 1pm went well. A good afternoon for a few beers. Then cleaned and packed everything up (unusual for me) and went to the pub for the evening.
A few beers later myself and brew buddy arrived home at 10pm, let's get the mill out! Lucky I cleaned. A few more beers into the evening and this brew was done about 2am. Brew buddy sucks on the hose to syphon from the kettle, not a good idea. The "2 chugs" method didn't work, or his brain was working at a slower pace, and the inside of this mouth was burnt for at least a week.
So it's 2am. What to do. I shyly suggest number 3. Brew buddy loves the idea. Time for number 3! At this point we were low on variety of grains but wanted to make a stout. So we put 2kg of pale in the oven. Then we realise my cordless drill is flat so we cant mill, but the grain is already in the oven. I unsuccesfully drunk dial a few mates to see if they can bring a drill around. Brew buddy decides to hand mill the grain by turning the drill manually (couldnt find a spanner or appropriate handle). Around 3am smoke alarms are going off and we remember the grain. Its hard to find the oven in the smoke, and all my shit still smells like I've been sitting around a campfire. Housemates come downstairs confused and angry. Around 4am I give up hope, and hit the hay. Brew buddy (I hear) spends another hour or two milling then mashes in for the evening. We wake up and finish the brew in the morning.

One of my best brewing experiences to date. And I am actually confident they will be in my top 3 brews to date. Great evening. Thought you guys might like the story! :beerbang:
Pumpy you air traffic controllers get it easy, drinking that much at work!

I did a 25ish litre batch of Pale Ale on Wednesday, as well as transferring 2 x 20 litre batches from secondary keg to serving keg. After that is was 2 x 22litre cubes into fermentors. Can't wait to get this real brewery up & going, then I might be able to get both cars in the garage.

The new brewhouse here has a huge DE Filter. The idiot brewery salesman asked me what I thought of it and I gave him the most honest answer I could come up with.
"It looks great, nice & shiny"
He asked if I had used one before,
"yes, but not one that small".
He asked how I thought it would go with the beers I want to brew
"Oh it is on wheels, so it will go, probably all the way to the fcuking car-park"

I can't stand filtering beers, it is wrong. If your beer is a bit dusty or cloudy, just close your eyes. Pumpy if you have to drink with Franko closing your eyes will definately make the beer more enjoyable!


Gerard you are too much of a real brewer , the Saleman is looking at the 'Bling factor' and he can tell his customers the beer is filtered with 'Diamataceous Earth' which is going to relly impress his customer .

I know what you mean but recently when I questioned the need for people who were fitting a motor to thier Millmaster grain mill that i said it was unecessary for 10 kg of grain a hand crank was fine .

I was told "Your not a real brewer unless you have a motor on your grain mill !!!!

I believe it to be a status thing ,started by Batz the member for Far Kin ,

who once made the statement " you are not a real brewer unless you have a March pump on your brewery "
this has led to the One-upmanship or the schoolground mentality of "Nah Nah Nana Naar Factor" ( in simple terms look what I have got that you have not)

I know a person I wont mention his name who has a fully functioning All Grain Home brewery in his garage (Franko) and brews kit beers ,

Why one asks ( even I cant answer this one )

One would summise 'Purely for decoration and the 'Obsessive Compulsive' need to have a perfectly chromed an painted red brewery '.

Pumpy :) ;)
I know a person I wont mention his name who has a fully functioning All Grain Home brewery in his garage (Franko) and brews kit beers ,

Why one asks ( even I cant answer this one )

One would summise 'Purely for decoration and the 'Obsessive Compulsive' need to have a perfectly chromed an painted red brewery '.

Pumpy :) ;)

now c'mon pumpy all good things come to those who wait.
see you ths afternoon

now c'mon pumpy all good things come to those who wait.
see you ths afternoon


Sorry Frank ,

as Kevin Rudd said when he saluted George Bush.

"It was just a bit of fun"

Pumpy :)
Did an unintentional triple brew day/evening/morning last week. First one started at 1pm went well. A good afternoon for a few beers. Then cleaned and packed everything up (unusual for me) and went to the pub for the evening.
A few beers later myself and brew buddy arrived home at 10pm, let's get the mill out! Lucky I cleaned. A few more beers into the evening and this brew was done about 2am. Brew buddy sucks on the hose to syphon from the kettle, not a good idea. The "2 chugs" method didn't work, or his brain was working at a slower pace, and the inside of this mouth was burnt for at least a week.
So it's 2am. What to do. I shyly suggest number 3. Brew buddy loves the idea. Time for number 3! At this point we were low on variety of grains but wanted to make a stout. So we put 2kg of pale in the oven. Then we realise my cordless drill is flat so we cant mill, but the grain is already in the oven. I unsuccesfully drunk dial a few mates to see if they can bring a drill around. Brew buddy decides to hand mill the grain by turning the drill manually (couldnt find a spanner or appropriate handle). Around 3am smoke alarms are going off and we remember the grain. Its hard to find the oven in the smoke, and all my shit still smells like I've been sitting around a campfire. Housemates come downstairs confused and angry. Around 4am I give up hope, and hit the hay. Brew buddy (I hear) spends another hour or two milling then mashes in for the evening. We wake up and finish the brew in the morning.

One of my best brewing experiences to date. And I am actually confident they will be in my top 3 brews to date. Great evening. Thought you guys might like the story! :beerbang:

Now that is legendary!
Great story, Cummins. Are you flatmates talking to you yet? :lol:
Brew buddy sucks on the hose to syphon from the kettle, not a good idea. The "2 chugs" method didn't work, or his brain was working at a slower pace, and the inside of this mouth was burnt for at least a week.

One of my best brewing experiences to date. And I am actually confident they will be in my top 3 brews to date. Great evening. Thought you guys might like the story! :beerbang:

Owwwch sucking on Boiling wort dont bear thinking about

Top story Cummins :beerbang:
Any of those brews intended for the July Case swap? ;)
So it's 2am. What to do... we realise my cordless drill is flat so I unsuccesfully drunk dial a few mates to see if they can bring a drill around.

Ladies & Gentlemen we have a winner!

Haha don't think so at this stage Hutch. If the recipes go well I will repeat them though.

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