Just to bump this thread, and swing it back to the topic...
I had 2 stubbies of this beer tonight.
Well, it's not the original Hahn premium, but it holds it's own amongst the other so-called premium Oz beers.
As the label advises, it has toasty flavours. It's a little sweet with a pleasant, but not overpowering hop aftertaste. Medium bodied, perhaps, and a browny-red in colour.
Must have been OK, coz they disappeared quick, and the brew was definitely better than the standard megaswill.
Overall, I'd give it 7/10. That may be generous, but it's late and I need to finish this post without wordy delays. The beer went well with a chicken laksa tonight.
Someone put a flame suit on and wait here for me, ...I can't be bothered doing it myself. :blink:
It will be on special for about $44 per case next week, I was told this evening at Theo's Broadmeadow store.
Seth out
*Edit: Spelling (and there could be more) and emoticons *