Ducatiboy stu said:
Then just phone your local licenced pest manager and have the problem fixed before the infestation causes you and your family major health concerns
pcmfisher said:
There are many species of cockroach throughout the world....the german cockroach is a prolific breeder and is extremely hard to control.
Check out this attachment with the breeding capabilities of just one female cockroach
One of the major problems within the Pest Management industry is pesticide resistance and this is bought about usually by the incorrect application of insecticides whereby an insect does not die but actually breeds while being affected by an insecticide resulting the offspring having resistance to that active ingredient.
Subsequently, then all those insects that are born from that parent have resistance to that chemical.
The products that you buy in the hardware / supermarket have, at times, the same active ingredient that is in the chemical that Licenced Pest Managers have available.
The only concern is that because they are selling this product to Non Licenced People then the amount of the active ingredient is reduced dramatically in the product and therefor goes to cause the insect to gain further resistance to the active ingredient.
The ratio of the active ingredient is reduced so that the general public in most cases will not harm themselves.....unfortunately this practice is non productive to the pest management industry.
As with most industries the pest management industry and chemical companies are constantly developing new products.
Unfortunately, the common belief is that the chemical suppliers just build a bigger " nuke product".
In reality this is not the case as many new products are actually based on insect growth regulators rather than as in days gone by, just killing the insect with a chemical that works directly on their nervous system, respiratory system, or circulatory system.
The action of thes new wave of chemical treatments have been developed to be used with insects that have a social interaction with each other.
Some insects that have a social interaction are cockroaches, ants, termites, etc.
By social interaction I mean that they actually touch each other during there normal day to day existence and this touching is a form of communication between each member of an insect colony.
Chemical manufacturers and industry proffesionals have used this need and method of insect communication to achieve control of these insects.
By touching each other they are actually spreading the active ingredient from insect to insect.
This, over a period of time works on eliminating the entire colony of pests by actually interupting their growth cycle.
Using these newly deveoped chemicals is a sure way to achieve colony elimination as it removes the chemical resistance that exists with the older type of chemicals.
Another advantage of these new wave of growth inhibitor insecticides are that they are generally extremely safe within our home and workplace environment.
I should also add that these new type of IGR products are not available in hardware stores and supermarkets.
A general rule of thumb is that if you can smell it then it is genearally an older type of insecticide.
So Stu, go your hardest mate, with traps, borax, icing sugar and plaster of paris or any other concoction that someone may suggest and if you can get on top of your cockroach infestation with these methods then well done.
Remember that one female german cockroach produces 20,000 offspring per year.