Grand Ridge - Up Yours!

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Hey bear09,

That just compounds my belief that Grand Ridge aren't worth wasting your money on - I once bought a mixed 6-pack of their "most highly awarded" beers, and not a single bottle was enjoyable (the "pilsner" tasted like vegemite)

I received their assorted 6 pack for Xmas last year.

The Yarra Valley Gold and the Hat Lifter Stout were nice enough but the Pilsner just didn't taste right; suspected infection.

The Gippsland Gold Pale Ale was less enjoyable; distinct metallic and vegemite flavour. Left a tingling on my tongue that remained for the rest of the nights drinking. :angry:

Still got 2 left, the Wheat and I think a Nut Brown Ale??

Bit nervous. :(

If you get a bad batch just bring them back to the place you bought them from and tell them they are "off".

They are required by law to replace them.

The first thing I ever heard about Grand Ridge was that they were the "most awarded brewery in the world", but the beers I got werent worth awarding. I have mentioned to quite a few people that the Grand Ridge beers I bought last year all seemed to be infected, and most people seemed shocked, as they had always gotten good beers from G.R. I never got around to emailing them, probably a good thing, I woulda got really shirty if they hadn't responded. Sounds like my experience wasnt an isolated one.
I do occasionally buy their Moonshine (or supershine) when I see it, and never had a problem with either of those beers.
I bought all the Grand Ridge beers that were dodgy in country victoria, not too far from the brewery. Obviously they arent very well known around that area, cause I asked for their beers at 5 differrent bottle shops, and was met with a "never heard of em" before one lady said she had heard of em, and "maybe they are in the bottlo up the road". This town was fairly close to the actual brewery too, but I cant recall it's name.
Anyway, lets hope that they get their consistency sorted, and start emailing people back. The more good micro's around, the better. Just a pity they arent listening to the feedback - yet.
All the best
The first thing I ever heard about Grand Ridge was that they were the "most awarded brewery in the world", but the beers I got werent worth awarding. I have mentioned to quite a few people that the Grand Ridge beers I bought last year all seemed to be infected, and most people seemed shocked, as they had always gotten good beers from G.R. I never got around to emailing them, probably a good thing, I woulda got really shirty if they hadn't responded. Sounds like my experience wasnt an isolated one.
I do occasionally buy their Moonshine (or supershine) when I see it, and never had a problem with either of those beers.
I bought all the Grand Ridge beers that were dodgy in country victoria, not too far from the brewery. Obviously they arent very well known around that area, cause I asked for their beers at 5 differrent bottle shops, and was met with a "never heard of em" before one lady said she had heard of em, and "maybe they are in the bottlo up the road". This town was fairly close to the actual brewery too, but I cant recall it's name.
Anyway, lets hope that they get their consistency sorted, and start emailing people back. The more good micro's around, the better. Just a pity they arent listening to the feedback - yet.
All the best
They changed head brewer recently ,could be a factor.I was over there in 2005-2006 and the beers were fine.John the kiwi was the production manager, nice bloke and a good brewer.I havent tried the latest offerings so I can pass judgment.They are not big on emails.So give them a call and ask the questions.Great place to spend New years eve :D Id like to know if they have been taken over or just lowered standards.
I'm finding this thread a bit disheartening. Gippsland Gold has been a longtime favourite of mine. It's a shame to hear the quality has dropped.
i met the guys in Singapore during Food Asia, they were an island of delicious beer between processing equipment, and the Spanish Pedro Ximinez :wub: (Si, te ciaro comeros los labios! (sp?) )
A decent beer in Singers was excellent to find as well as some Aussies who were willing to feed us a few beer chasers.
I always followed their progress but haven't seen them much other than on the Dan's shelves (which is a pretty major move and kudos to any brewer who can! :beer: )
What's been going on in Melbourne lately? Has CUB been sending undercover operatives on microbrewery tours with a water squirter full of unpasteurised lambic?

Beer Terrorists.

Ahhhhhhhh nothings safe.


I dont buy the stuff. The bright flashy label turned me off. I like beer for whats "IN" the bottle, not whats stuck on it and if it needs something that bright and busy....... well my thoughts have been confirmed.

If i want something that tastes funky and has floaties in it i will spend my coins on forbiden fruit :)

Goatherder, I'm with you. I've long had a soft spot for the Gippsland Gold and Natural Blonde, a shame to hear there's a backlash against the brewery.
I've met the owner a few times (he wouldn't know me from soap) and although he has a vague degree of arrogance, his beers have always been excellent and I think he's done more for widespread acceptance of alternative beers than almost anyone. The fact that they are (were?) the little guy helped.

I hope they can bounce back and continue to give craftbrewers a good name...
I got given a 4 beer sample pack from them a few years ago, and all of those were fine. I also had a gippsland gold a few weeks ago and even though it wasn't my favourite beer I tasted that night it wasn't infected. musn't be all batches.
This is more bad news on top of the reported Mountain Goat problems. I am not a big fan of Grand ridge beers, but I know people who do like them.

Be a shame if they can't sort this out.

Good first step would be to respond to the complaints.

They could've easily had this thread filled with positives about their customer loyalty if they'd just answered some simple emails.
For a brewery priced in the upper premium end of the market, they really have some issues. I haven't bought any since I bought a case for about $80 two years ago. The lids were rusty and left a rust taint around the neck of the bottle. It took some careful pouring to avoid getting rust tainted beer into the glass. I used their website's feedback form to let them know they might have issues and never heard back. Wasn't really a great beer either, as I recall. Just another lager, really. A shame about these quality issues, because their range and marketing are spot on, I reckon. They just aren't delivering the quality to match the hype and price.
I sometimes pop by the Grand Ridge stall at the weekend Flemington Market to amuse myself while Mrs Bugwan deals with all the crowds and terrible pram drivers...

He offers a 'sampler six pack' for $26, which is about as steep as it gets. I'd want a selection of truly superb imported beers for that price (one each of Landlord's, Emmerson's, Fullers, Weihenstephan, an Anchor and Unibroue sounds right).

...but I'm tight-arse living in denial of real prices... sigh.
I agree. $20 for a local six pack is all they can really justify. Anything above that isn't gravy, it's exploiting the market.
Sad stuff given the fact I used to love their Gippsland Gold. However upon having tasted it recently I found it to be dumbed down to nothing. :(

As for their pilsner its always been a shocker some rust in the glass may have even improved it. Hard to really have any regard for their beers these days.

That being said I've never had their beer on tap close to the source. In my opinion the best way to try any micro products.

Warren -
I've only tried the pilsner, supplied by a mate who'd got hold of a sixer (thinking that he was going to look great turning up to his work bbq with a fancy beer to share) and it was awful. To be honest I'd assumed he must have scored it out of the bargain bin or something, because true to previous comments, there was rust around the inside of the crown, and it was too awful to take any more than a taste. He'll never buy it again, and I wouldn;t even let the thought cross my mind.
Far from 'having done more for the micro industry than anyone', I'd turn that one around and say that micros that send out sub-standard product and then don't answer complaints do more than anyone to damage the collective reputation of other micros, and make it less likely that the average bloke will ever risk a bit more cash and step out of his 'carlton draught comfort zone' for something different.
Sounds to me like someone worked their butt off to build up a good reputation, and those that are in control now are now resting firmly on their laurels (or fast asleep on them....)
Such a shame. The way my mate had talked about it, GR beers were considered somewhat of a holy grail by him for some reason...
Apart from never liking their Pilsner.. I've always thought the GR beers were pretty damn good. I actually attended a beer dinner with the Owner/Manager and although as others have said, he comes over a little arrogant at first, once he warms up over a feed and a beer, he's a nice guy who knows a lot about brewing.

Like a couple of others, I've always had a bit of a soft spot for the Gipsland Gold.

I haven't had a bad bottle of GR beer yet, but that said, most of their beer I've drunk has been either from a tap, or from a tap at their brewery. So maybe its a packaging issue?? I don't know about those guys, but I know that a couple of the Vic micros employ "traveling" packaging lines to put their beer into bottles and so they lose a bit of QC/QA control over their product at that point. Not an excuse, but maybe its a reason.

Everyone is right though ... a few e-mails or phone calls would have meant the thread was about "a micro who was having a couple of issues, but dont stop supporting them, they'll work it out" - rather than - "up yours GR....."

The marketing guy needs a kick in the pants.
I sent a link to this thread to them via their website. Whether they respond or not, I'm sure they'll read some of these posts.

I agree with Thirsty - boycotting a business that this industry needs is not going to be a clever solution. Sending a message that we expect better things is probably more effective

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