Got A Tin Of Coopers Green For Xmas

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Hi All,

As the topic states, I got a tin of coopers green for Xmas and now with a empty fermenter I am going to brew it!

any one got any good recipes, lagers or ales its all good

as lager or pale ale..if pale
1.7kg Pale ale
1kg Light dry malt extract
100g Crystal malt (steeped for 20 minutes)
100g brewing sugar
25g Amarillo hops for the Pale Ale , steeped for 10 mins with the LME.

1. Crush the Crystal , add to grain sock and steep at 70-80C for 20 mins, or use a coffee plunger.
2. Put the liquor from the Crystal into a pot, top up to 2L, add the LDME, bring to boil.
3. When the LDME is fully dissolved, add the hops, turn off the heat, put on the lid, and wait for 10 minutes.
4. Half top up your fermenter with cold water, and pour the contents of your pot into it, then top up to 23L.
5. Pitch yeast. Ferment as close to 18C as you can.
just make something up all my best beers are ones I randomly put together.
DU99 sounds good. But I would prob up the destrose to 200g and drop 100g of malt or go higher ABV and keep the malt and just use 200g dex. All malt beers are sweet and with crystal it is worse but doubt 100g would sweeten it enough. Just depends on the taste of the brewer so brew to your taste :p
DU99's recipe sounds great.

I have made the same except used 200g Crystal and 25g Cascade Hops instead of the Amarillo.
Turned out very tasty!!
As I say its all about brewers taste I brew for me :p Also its about the malt you use. I never used liquid malt but used briess dry malt once and I can say you can use all malt beers with that. but the cheap stuff is food grade malt it is made for alot more then brewing (brewing prob the least amount its used) so I found it tends to finish higher and sweeter. With liquid as its made for brewing it will prob be better. Try a all extract brew with briess extract once before you go to AG it makes a huge difference but at $4 a kg extra (think it was at the time) it is worth it to try it once :p
ok so something like this

1.7kg Pale ale
2kg Light dry malt extract
200g Crystal malt (steeped for 20 minutes)
25g Amarillo hops for the Pale Ale , steeped for 10 mins with the LME.

How about some centennial in there too, another 25g?

Edit added another 1kg of light dry malt 2kg total
also any one know what type of yeast comes with the kit?
you could do 15g of each at 10mins and 15g each dry hopped after 3/4 way threw fermentation. As I say all dry malt beers are sweet but if you do 15g each at 10 and 15g each dry hop it may balance it out
OK 2kg of dry malt on top of the kit?? I would be going 1.2kg malt and .3-.5kg dex and upping the hops to 30g each at 10 mins and 20 g each dry hopped this will make a IPA

Edit: Maybe no ones listening when I say all malt brews are sweet?? I found 70% malt and 30% dex was good mix.
also any one know what type of yeast comes with the kit?
Honestly not sure.
Du99's recipe sounds worth trying.
You could have a look around on the internet at hop substitution charts, and try different hops with his recipe. I tried this kit years ago with 25g Nelson Sauvin, some Brew Enhancer and it was fantastic.

As Beeman said, keep tabs of your recipes.
I am going to the the yeast harvest thing one day Beemann.

ok ok ok

playing around the in kit calculator in excel

coopers tin
light dry malt 1.2kgs
light crystal 200gms
dextrose 500gms
Amarillo 30gms @ 10 mins
Centennial 30gms @ 10mins
Amarillo 20gms @ 0
Centennial 20gms @ 0

for a English IPA the OG FG and IBU are all ok but the EBC is low.
suppose it only colour isnt it?