as lager or pale ale..if pale
1.7kg Pale ale
1kg Light dry malt extract
100g Crystal malt (steeped for 20 minutes)
100g brewing sugar
25g Amarillo hops for the Pale Ale , steeped for 10 mins with the LME.
1. Crush the Crystal , add to grain sock and steep at 70-80C for 20 mins, or use a coffee plunger.
2. Put the liquor from the Crystal into a pot, top up to 2L, add the LDME, bring to boil.
3. When the LDME is fully dissolved, add the hops, turn off the heat, put on the lid, and wait for 10 minutes.
4. Half top up your fermenter with cold water, and pour the contents of your pot into it, then top up to 23L.
5. Pitch yeast. Ferment as close to 18C as you can.