Good Beer Week - Feedback For Future Events

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1. What events did you go to?
Brew Dog Ale Stars at the Taphouse

2. Did you think it was well organised?
Yep it rocked. But where was the Tactical Nuclear Penguin damnit?!! :angry:

3. Was it pitched at your level, above your level or below your level?
Below my level. But the guy is there to push his product and educate the masses so it's understandable - but still some very valuable info about Brewdog's processes, so you wouldn't grumble about it. Learned heaps.

4. Would you go again?
Absolutely. Well not to the same one, but put another brewer on the mike and I'm all ears. :)

5. Who would you like to hear talk/present?
The German Brewers who got sunk by 'Sink the Bismarck'. Maybe with Brewdog back again in the same room - in some kind of debating challlenge - or maybe just playing battleship.

6. What other kinds of events do you think would be enjoyable while promoting good/interesting beer?
Beer & Music Pairing night. I need advice on what music goes best with particular styles of beer. I'm over the food/beer pairing ****. Someone needs to break some new ground.

Other feedback/suggestions?
Well done to all involved. Only attended one event during GBW (and another not officially on the calendar) but was great to see so many passionate beerheads all in one spot. Think this event will only get bigger.

I raise my pint to you,

:beerbang: Hopper
6. What other kinds of events do you think would be enjoyable while promoting good/interesting beer?
Beer & Music Pairing night. I need advice on what music goes best with particular styles of beer. I'm over the food/beer pairing ****. Someone needs to break some new ground.

:beerbang: Hopper
Slightly ot , but hopper , i did read an article ( i think it was in the age in a wine special ) that talked about how different songs were a better match for different wines . That is to say that some music made a given wine taste one way , and then when a different song was played , the wine tasted different. IIRC , it may have been talking how a composer and vigneron had got together and were doing some stuff that seriosly reflected how the palate behaved when the brain was subject to different types, styles , tempo's of music.....Maybe we could see something like this for a beer tasting night ? Maybe a kolsch with some light and fluffy music ? Or a stout with some black Sabbath lol
Thanks for the replies guys, especially the last detailed ones.

I've linked my friend to the thread so hopefully the feedback is taken into account.

If there are any more responses now the week is well and truly over then that's great.

Hopefully we see more of this kind of event/s.
1. What events did you go to?

Official events
Taphouse Brewers and Chewers
Josies Bones Weird and Wonderful Lunch
BeermenTV Hair of the Dog Breakfast
Taphouse SpecTAPular

2. Did you think it was well organised?

Each event was organised by the entity holding it.
It was detailed in the guide and semi-advertised. I found out about the events through contacts rather than the guide.

3. Was it pitched at your level, above your level or below your level?

They were all social events based around food, beer or beer and food. Definitely pitched at me.

4. Would you go again?

Damn straight

5. Who would you like to hear talk/present?

Matt Brynildson
Sean Paxton

6. What other kinds of events do you think would be enjoyable while promoting good/interesting beer?

Other feedback/suggestions?
Slightly ot , but hopper , i did read an article ( i think it was in the age in a wine special ) that talked about how different songs were a better match for different wines . That is to say that some music made a given wine taste one way , and then when a different song was played , the wine tasted different. IIRC , it may have been talking how a composer and vigneron had got together and were doing some stuff that seriosly reflected how the palate behaved when the brain was subject to different types, styles , tempo's of music.....Maybe we could see something like this for a beer tasting night ? Maybe a kolsch with some light and fluffy music ? Or a stout with some black Sabbath lol

Interesting. Haha a Stout with Black Sabbath. Reminds me of this pic I saw recently:

Wonder what would go with a Scandanavian Norgen O or Mikkeller? Something pretty evil sounding in a different language I guess!


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