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I'm about to either build or buy a keezer and was wondering where people store their glasses? I currently have a small fridge that I can just squeeze two cornies into and am only using a Pluto gun, but I have storage in the door for around ten glasses. Do people just open the keezer for a glass every beer? or not keep them cold? or another fridge?

Also looking for a chest freezer to fit at least 4 kegs in comfortably, space isn't an issue but don't want anything crazy big, was thinking around 300-350 litres. Does that seem about right?

Cheers for any help.
Most freezers have those wire baskets that sit at the top - in the past I've been known to store some glasses there. Works well if you are opening the keezer to pour the beer anyway.

Since installing a font it's less practical, so I keep the glasses in a buffet next to the keezer. Cold glasses sometimes seem to froth up too much for me anyway!

300L is spot on if you have the room for it. It will give you heaps of space around the kegs for plumbing, storing a few grains etc. (If you packed them in I'm sure you could fit 6 or 7 kegs in there!). After my 2nd hand freezer died I forked out $459 for a 300L Lemair (CF300K). The four kegs sit easily between those two wire baskets.
Hi drew
hows that lemair been for you ?
I am about to make the same purchase and looking for a vote of confidence i guessCheers
It has been great. Not much more to say! Had it only for 5 months so it's early days.

I think they have 2 year warranty (?).
It's got a drainage hole at the front which is handy.
The lid was easy enough to remove.
It is pretty big. That's good and bad. Until Tardis releases a freezer obviously.

Appliances online are pretty darn prompt at delivery and had the best price btw. $459 free delivery.
Hold the phone.

This freezer is a little shorter than others (68cm). Once you take thickness of base/lid it probably doesn't fit a corny with disconnect. I built a bartop/font so I'm not using the supplied lid. But as i recall in my brief tests prior to removing the original lid, one of my kegs was able to be hooked up without a problem, but the other 3 couldn't, they would hold the lid open. (There must be minor variations in disconnects/kegs that I have!).

A fairly important point if you are not planning on modifying it at all.

Happy to take more measurements if you need.
Thanks drew
Planning on using a collar so I can attach 4 taps, so I recon still might be a goer
How big is the compressor hump?
Ah good.

You are looking at about 22.5 cm height in the hump, and 20 cm wide.

Most of the freezer has just shy of 63 cm height, so there's about 40 cm height above the hump.
Thanks for the reply, I just missed a 320L one that sold within a day on gumtree for $150
So is the chest freezer mentioned suitable for 4-6 kegs? Can some tell me is it 320L or bigger.

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