Gas Per Boil?

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I really have no idea how many brews my 4kg bottle will last using my 3 ring burner and I would hate to have it run out half way through a boil!

So how many 60 minute boils do people get out of their burners and what size bottle do you have?

(yes I know, a second gas bottle would be the best way... but... well you know..)
MHD said:
I really have no idea how many brews my 4kg bottle will last using my 3 ring burner and I would hate to have it run out half way through a boil!

So how many 60 minute boils do people get out of their burners and what size bottle do you have?

(yes I know, a second gas bottle would be the best way... but... well you know..)

Howdy MHD,
I get about 4x65 litre brews from a 8.5 kilo bottle (plus the odd barbie). If it runs out I just go exchange it at the servo around the corner..

Thanks Darren, What burner do you use? I wonder if there is much difference between a 30L (what I do) and 65L,,,,
MHD said:
Thanks Darren, What burner do you use? I wonder if there is much difference between a 30L (what I do) and 65L,,,,

I have a mongolian burner. It was about the same usage for 40 litre and 65 litre. About 4 brews. I think there is some economy (gas and time) in a bigger brew.


I did a 75 Litre boil yesterday, and for once took the time to measure. Including a bit of mash re-heating, it consumed 3kg of gas through a 4 ring burner.
i have a 3 ring, and get between 7-9 brews from the 9kg bottle.
it will depend on what else you need to heat aswell in terms of mash/sparge water etc.
those numbers include heating of water aswell, not just the boil.

i live close enough to a swap'n'go that its not a problem. If i didnt i would be getting some back up.
I recon i get 3 -4 boils tops, out of my 9kg bottle.$15 - $21 buck depends where i go for refill.
4 Ring burner........
Not enough for my liking :angry: , going to get set up with the big ass gas bottle like the one up the side of my house (heating) one day.

I ended up weighing in my gas bottle for the last two brews. The first was a one hour boil (along with heating sparge water etc), the burner consumed 1.6kg of gas for that one. The second brew was my 4hr boil (including heating up sparge water etc), with the burner consuming 2.6kg. Obviously most of the gas consumption from my burner is during the heat up stages of the mash/sparge water, as well as the initial heating up of the wort. From the boil point onwards, gas consumption drops heaps.

Cheers :)
Yeah...I have become anal with gas...I even wrote the empty wieght on my 2 bottles.. :ph34r:

I have been getting ripped off 200gms of gas by some fillers on a 9kg bottle :angry:

I have noticed that a 27ltr 60 min boil uses about 0.8kg of gas with a 3 ring burner. This does not include sparge water
Ducatiboy stu........ 'Yeah I have become anal with gas'..

Hmm :blink:

please explain stu :p
The thought has crossed my mind about farting in the gas bottle due to the excess gas produced by going AG :unsure:
Now lets all save the planet !
Fart in a bottle :D

' its better to fart and have a giggle,
than hold it in a be a cripple '

my gas refiller suggested converting to mains gas. after the fitting, the supply price is about 1/10th the price of bottled according to him....
any gasfitters in ADL reading this that like beer and bbqs?
I use around 1 kg to boil 45L for 60 to 70 min. I have a 3-ringer and an electric HLT.
my gas refiller suggested converting to mains gas. after the fitting, the supply price is about 1/10th the price of bottled according to him....
any gasfitters in ADL reading this that like beer and bbqs?

I'm in process of converting my BBQ back to bottled gas, easy job jest are only $2.50 each!

Found that with mains gas I just wasn't getting the BBQ hot enough. Local BBQ store guys said that it's a common problem and that they actually don't recommend runnig BBQ in mains gas!

Just a thought, would also reduce your ability to "move" your brew setup. Mines on wheels so can brew on back verandah or in garage, just move it to where I want it and away you go!

my gas refiller suggested converting to mains gas. after the fitting, the supply price is about 1/10th the price of bottled according to him....
any gasfitters in ADL reading this that like beer and bbqs?

i was under the impression that you can't convert the 3 & 4 ring burners to mains gas....can anybody confirm this?
I'm with Coggee,
I get about 2.5 batches from an 8 Kg bottle, using the nasa style burner.
Gas is costing more than the ingredients, well almost.
I'm with Coggee,
I get about 2.5 batches from an 8 Kg bottle, using the nasa style burner.
Gas is costing more than the ingredients, well almost.

Geez, using my 3 ring for all brewing duties (heating mash & sparge water & doing the heat + 60 min boil) i have got 5 batches from a 9Kg bottle, with a hour long BBQ heat in between. I get them refilled for $14 at the BP down the street so it's only costing me $2.80 in gas per batch. I think a NASA would only be worth it if you were doing double/triple batches as you don't use that much more gas.
I'm with Coggee,
I get about 2.5 batches from an 8 Kg bottle, using the nasa style burner.
Gas is costing more than the ingredients, well almost.


You must be boiling the arse off it. :lol:

I routinely do 50 litre batches with a NASA and have gotten as many as 4 brews off one 9kg bottle with some gas left over. OTOH I do agree they're truly the Holley 750 double pumper of the burner world and in today's terms it equates to around $5 of LPG per brew. :blink:

I find the trick is to only run them on full noise until the boil approaches then to turn them down to a sane level for the rest of the boil.

Warren -

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