my gas refiller suggested converting to mains gas. after the fitting, the supply price is about 1/10th the price of bottled according to him....
any gasfitters in ADL reading this that like beer and bbqs?
What are you using as your kettle? ( Keg or Alli pot )
my gas refiller suggested converting to mains gas. after the fitting, the supply price is about 1/10th the price of bottled according to him....
any gasfitters in ADL reading this that like beer and bbqs?
Risking a beating for being off topich34r: but makes me wonder can you convert an LPG vehicle to Natural Gas? Imagine that, hooking up to a fitting in the garage at 1/10th (maybe not quite that much vs Servo LPG) the price?
Add on that government bonus you get for an LPG conversion and suddernly we have all that spare money to spend on, hmmm... maybe BREWING!!!:beerbang:
Of course, its too good to be true, Are there any mechanics out there who can burst this bubble for me?
I get around 4-5 brews out of my 9kg bottle using a NASA. Warren's trick helps the ear drums as well as the pocket. :lol:
therook, DJR uses as aluminium kettle, 40L IIRC.
I'm with Coggee,
I get about 2.5 batches from an 8 Kg bottle, using the nasa style burner.
Gas is costing more than the ingredients, well almost.
You must be boiling the arse off it.
I routinely do 50 litre batches with a NASA and have gotten as many as 4 brews off one 9kg bottle with some gas left over. OTOH I do agree they're truly the Holley 750 double pumper of the burner world and in today's terms it equates to around $5 of LPG per brew.
I find the trick is to only run them on full noise until the boil approaches then to turn them down to a sane level for the rest of the boil.
Warren -
You must be boiling the arse off it.
I get them refilled for $14 at the BP down the street so it's only costing me $2.80 in gas per batch. I think a NASA would only be worth it if you were doing double/triple batches as you don't use that much more gas.
You must be boiling the arse off it.
yep I was doing that until I learnt it would still boil on a very low setting. now I get 4 brews and a couple of barbies out of a 9kg. I run it flat out until it boils and turn it down. I reckon I can do 5...
After running out of gas exactly on flame out on Saturday im going to start marking my gas bottles with a black marker pen rather than relying on how heavy it feels. A dash for a brew and a dot for a BBQ. So I can at least have a very rough visual guide as to how much I can get out of it.
Sorry to bring up an old thread...
What is actually involved in converting a burner to natural gas?
I've got a BBQ hooked up to mains gas - so the facility is there to use it.
Is it a matter of getting a different regulator or do the jets need to changed?
There has been discussion on here before. Do a search on something like "+mains +burner" and hopefully that will bring something up.
From memory brewers have run their NASA's or similar off mains by plugging in a High-pressure regulator.