i put down an extract brew a 6 or 7 weeks ago after i got rained out at work, had some galaxy in the freezer, didnt have to time to AG so i called into the lhbs and got some ingredients.
20 ltrs - 5.5% -
1.7kg blackrock LME
1kg LDME
300gms dextrose
200gms carared(had in cupboard) steeped 20 minutes
15gm warrior - 45 minutes
20 gms galaxy - 15 mintutes
10gms galaxy - 0 minutes
20 gms galaxy - dry hops 5 days
yeast bry-97
i wasnt exptecting too much, cracked open a bottle at day 10, thought i'd od'd on the bitterness, have just cracked one open after a month in the bottle and its acually pretty good, given a newbie like me a good idea on what galaxy tastes like. pretty happy with it for the small amount of time it took to make.
20 ltrs - 5.5% -
1.7kg blackrock LME
1kg LDME
300gms dextrose
200gms carared(had in cupboard) steeped 20 minutes
15gm warrior - 45 minutes
20 gms galaxy - 15 mintutes
10gms galaxy - 0 minutes
20 gms galaxy - dry hops 5 days
yeast bry-97
i wasnt exptecting too much, cracked open a bottle at day 10, thought i'd od'd on the bitterness, have just cracked one open after a month in the bottle and its acually pretty good, given a newbie like me a good idea on what galaxy tastes like. pretty happy with it for the small amount of time it took to make.