bum gave me some great advice lately.
Galaxy hops used late will still give big IBUs and are less risky than 60min additions.
I made a simple Pale Ale:
3.5KG Pale Malt Extract.
10L Boil - 25L batch
20 @ 20min
20 @ 15min
30 @ 0
US05 yeast.
Big passionfruit hit, but with enough perceived bitterness to balance the beer. My best beer to date (probably due to simplicity). Beersmith tells me 22IBUs. Up the 20 and 10 min additions to 30g and you have 32 IBUs, but I personally wouldn't. I like em real pale, real hoppy with lower bitterness. Got it with Galaxy.
I've tried using Galaxy to flavour Kit and Extract recipes in the past and had big bitterness issues, but I put that down to ****** Pride of Rookwood not going with Galaxy, As Lord Goomba said above. F&*^&*$ing horrible actually.
Used the way described above, this will basically be my quick session beer from now on. Simple ingredients, quick prep, not huge $$ spent on hops for big $$ on flavour.
IMHO - This is where POR is from and where it should stay.