Ok, thanks for the reply.
Jaboticaba wine:
I have a tree that produces a lot of fruit. So I harvested a large quantity of it and did a experiment with it to make some wine.
The first batch was only about 1 or 2 kg.
I put the unwashed fruit through a food processor and minced it up to a thick liquid. During this process, I added a cup of (cooled) boiled water and a cup of sugar. The water is the only thing that I sterilised (by boiling, as I have tank water collected from the roof of the house).
I placed this thick must into a 3 ltr. laboratory jug (sterilised), and allowed initial fermentation to begin on the high tannin skins for 2 days.
No additional yeast added. Utilising the natural yeast on the fruit.
I then racked it off the heavy lees into a 1.5 ltr. glass jar and covered it with a cotton cloth.
I left it for two weeks.
Yesterday, I racked it off into a sterilised wine bottle and tasted a small surplus quantity of it.
It is superb!
Very slightly sweet still, but with complex fruit flavours. At this young age, I would assume it would make a good desert wine.
Meanwhile, I have another 12 or 15 litres of it brewing.
I will be making more of it next year, that is for sure.