I made a few homebrews from coopers kits a couple years back and they all turned out nice enough. (Just following basic instructions
from the coopers kit).
Ok so I have just started another brew which is currently fermenting and feeling new again have been reading ALOT of information
over the passed few days, on the internet and books from the library (I just might burn myself out

So I have a few questions about my brew.
Here is my current situation.
On the 07/04/2010 here is what i did.
I activated the dry yeast from the kit in warm water.
it frothed up very nicely in the steralised jar with glad wrap over it.
I believe this is a combination yeast of lager and ale and that is why they recommend a fermentation of 21 - 27deg?
If i used a saflager of safale yeast I would brew at a lower temp and probably get a better result?
I dissolved in hot water the kit malt and a tin of Tooheys brewing sugar (which says ingredients: maize starch on the tin). The tin says to use in place of sugar and dextrose.
I don't think this was the best choice, but I am interested to see how it turns out, maybe
i should use on of coopers brew enhancers?
The temp was then at 25.6deg C, I added the yeast (I forgot to take the SG reading, but did it instantly after adding yeast) and I got a reading of
The mix cooled quickly in the garage to about 22deg C and is fermenting away nicely now.
The garage seems to remain at a constant 22 degrees. Its always the coolest part of the house.
Ok so.. bottleing...
I have been reading about finings (gelatine), racking, lagering etc...
So i don't want to get to complicated but want to improve my results.
I am planning to..
after fermenting as finished (hydro reading stable for 3 days) rack the beer (syphon into a vessel and back into the cleaned fermenter
I only have one fermenter but would like to rack as I have read this is a big contibuter to better quality.
Is it too risky to transfer to say a steralised esky and back to the fermenter?
And what benefit has racking on my brew?
I then plan to add the prepared gelatine and leave for a couple days (in current location), and then bottle to primed bottles.
Are the finings going to effect my carbonation, and if so how much?, in what way?
I will leave the bottles in the same location for 3 weeks and then cool before drinking.
Also any home brew clubs around the north ryde area of sydney?
Love to hear if I have planned well, or if I am going off track.