Wubba lubba dub dub!
Shed clear out time.
Going for free or best offer are 148 prime used bottles almost all halal certified and accepting of all values come national celebration day.

Breakdown is:
51 x 750ml bottles (11 Coopers, 28 VB twist, 12 CUB )
33 x crown seal 330ml
3 x twist seal 330ml
36 x 750ml PET
20 x 650ml
5 x 500ml
Edit: Correction to the pic - the 330ml bottles are mostly crown seal. Derp.
Going for free or best offer are 148 prime used bottles almost all halal certified and accepting of all values come national celebration day.

Breakdown is:
51 x 750ml bottles (11 Coopers, 28 VB twist, 12 CUB )
33 x crown seal 330ml
3 x twist seal 330ml
36 x 750ml PET
20 x 650ml
5 x 500ml
Edit: Correction to the pic - the 330ml bottles are mostly crown seal. Derp.