Sorry JM, There is little likelyhood of any Belgian imports from us in the future. There is absolutley no demand from the micro industry for (expensive) Belgian malts and unless we can fill a container (17 tonnes) the exercise is not viable. We do stock the Hoepfner and Weyermann equivalents to Aromatic (Melanoidin), Biscuit (Caraamber) and Caraaroma (Special B). Standard Belgian pilsner, Ale, Munich etc are no different from other Euro malts and frankly no better than our JW malts in many instances.
There is also a capacity issue with specialty malts in Europe and Dingemanns, the main remaining Belgian maltster could not guarantee continuity of supply to us anyway. Shame, but commercial reality has to enter the equation. Oh, BTW, we did import a couple of bags of Belgian ale malt when we were developing our Traditional Ale Malt - in fact the Belgian malt was the prime benchmark. We reckon we achieved an equally brewable product.