Forgive Me Brewers For I Have Sinned

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Ohhh... I can write anything I like here
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Over the weekend I committed a brewing sin - I ran out of beer. I thought I had half a keg of really excellent porter left but no. The brewing gods punished me for my pride - I poured my first drink of the weekend and behold, the keg was empty.

Worse O brewing brothers, I own three kegs and they are all empty. My fermenters lie idle. I have no beer.

I have started my pennance by brewing a braggot and I know I must make a pilgrimage to the beer isle of the local bottle shop (where I have not been in at least three years) to make a financial sacrifice to the beer gods.

Let my sorry tale be a warning to you all. Never let slothfulness lead you down the path I have taken. Be mindful of your kegs. If you neglect them they will empty. An idle fermenter is an evil thing.

We are brothers of sin. Though, I have a full fermenter, but alas, no bottles. I do have 2 empty kegs, but no CO2.
You'll get yours recalcitrant sinners!!!

May ye suffer penance through a lightening of the wallet.

Appease the Gods of beer with offerings of stillborn ales and mass produced lagers quaffed without complaint.

If you can of course :icon_vomit:

Fear not Brewing Brothers!!!!!

Forgiveness is at hand, but like all good religions a small donation/gift is required in order to acheive forgiveness!!!

Remember the more donations you send me, the more you will be forgiven!!! :D

Cheers and peace be with you SJ
Devil begone!!!

As punishment, drink 3 VB's and a six pack of Carlton Cold.

That'll teach your lazy arse!
Or... just don't drink at all for a whole month, right Pete?
Uh oh....

6 kegs, all empty.

2 fermenters, both empty.

60 pet's. All empty.

Well thats's all the partials outta the way time to start over:

One brewstand ready and waiting for my inaugural AG brew :super: . If only I hadn't gone back to work today!

My pennance shall be numerous AG brews done over consecutive weekends starting..........................................soon.
today was my first proper brew day since March - The only thing I have is a keg of RIS and I only have that because I have been buying commercial beer for some while now. Good commercial beer ... but I have been neglecting the homebrewing appallingly.

I think I see some agitated brewers marching up the street... they seem to have a stake and a tin of kerosene -- perhaps I can appease them with the 23Lof dunkel wort settling in my kettle right now.
"hear ye all fairytale creatures...."

Sinners be damned to hell reap what you sow (or didn't sow)
Not little can be said for those who's pots lie idle and grist uncrushed.
Salvation comes at a hefty price, but for those who wish the short road there is a path not well trodden
There is a stash, in a castle not far from where i sit which is golden....
One may say it's a golden harvest a kit of i'll repute, no one will challenge you to that stash of 20 flagons.

For those who wish to repent, there is reward for the hard worked
Remember the old Bornhoffen commercial...
It is he who makes the yeast rise well that doth score the busty wench....
"man does not live on bread alone"
Devil begone!!!

As punishment, drink 3 VB's and a six pack of Carlton Cold.

That'll teach your lazy arse!

But no ONE MAN could EVER do that! Bring not such vile torment to a repentant brewer!
No worries Dave, I only have 3 750's of my BPA left. It was so good I drank it all early :D but I still have other beers and the ciders to get me through the horrible 4 weeks I have to wait for BPA-II to be ready.

It is time dear brothers that we all bow our heads to pray:
Our lager
Which art in barrels
Hallowed be thy drink
Thy will be drunk, (I will be drunk)
At home as it is in the tavern
Give us this day our foamy head
And forgive us our spillage
As we forgive those who spill against us
And lead us not into incarceration
But deliver us from hangovers
For thine is the beer, the bitter, and the lager

Brewer Pete
I have one in the fermenter none in the kegs, my brew system has been down for a while due to an upgrade. finished the electronics and the wiring today, I will be back in business in a day or two. Meanwhile I am sipping on a Bacardi and Coke.
Sooner a beer. :unsure:
Yikes, this could be me in four or five months when my $$ situation will be so tight from paying rent and a mortgage while I build my house....
At the moment I have three full kegs, and enough stocks for two more brews. May need to pick up some extras for two more so I can have a lean (emphasise the lean) seven months.... might have to ration it all out. Five schooners a week?
And here was me getting a bit concerned that I was down to my last full keg with only 2 full fermenters.
You guys are really in the shit!
I have about 12 cases in bottles right now, empty fermenters........

Problem is I won't have time to have a brew day/ferment before we go away for a few holidays in August.

At this rate it will be mid August by the time I brew again. Oh well, that gives me time to sort out a kegging setup in the meantime.
And here was me getting a bit concerned that I was down to my last full keg with only 2 full fermenters.
You guys are really in the shit!

same here, my SWMBO has been away for a month i have been ever so busy brewing only now am i struggling with the shear amount of beer here that needs drinking!

not to rub it in or anything :ph34r:

I have a Cube of brew that im going to pour out if any1 wants it let me know :)
It's a horrible situation, brew hard - brew now and brew often.

for you sins, you must drink a carton of VB and a dozen Miller Chills!

You should be ashamed!
