Forgive Me Brewers For I Have Sinned

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for you sins, you must drink a carton of VB and a dozen Miller Chills!

You should be ashamed!


NNNNNNNOOOOOOOO!!! Can I opt for the thumb screws and toenail pliers instead?

Evil be gone, but forgiveness is near, lead not into temptation as for i have committed to other sin - glutton of the mash tun,

For you see my brothers my fermenters duth not lay idle yet frivolously thy bear the fruits of they loin. and many duth fermenters lay thy same plight as i fornicate the seed of thy mash tun on them in such vigorous manner, duth they lie full and bloated awaiting birth to thy kegs and bar for consumption. Thy bar is full and I must repent and make way for my harvest. 8 shiny barrels on tap with 4 more in line for the fill, my erge grows stronger as an EIPA is in mind and must be seeded this endweeks in time.

oh lord I am glutton, and that is my sin.... :icon_cheers:

Over the weekend I committed a brewing sin - I ran out of beer. I thought I had half a keg of really excellent porter left but no. The brewing gods punished me for my pride - I poured my first drink of the weekend and behold, the keg was empty.

Worse O brewing brothers, I own three kegs and they are all empty. My fermenters lie idle. I have no beer.

I have started my pennance by brewing a braggot and I know I must make a pilgrimage to the beer isle of the local bottle shop (where I have not been in at least three years) to make a financial sacrifice to the beer gods.

Let my sorry tale be a warning to you all. Never let slothfulness lead you down the path I have taken. Be mindful of your kegs. If you neglect them they will empty. An idle fermenter is an evil thing.

after this keg is gone, and the other one, and that one CC'ing, and the lager in the cube CC'ing, I will only have 1 keg left.....
although i did recently get married........ :lol:
First post........just to rub it in, after bottling on Saturday, there are 780 full stubbs in the shed!
If this is your "Beer God" you are forgiven, as long as you bought a good drop...
First post........just to rub it in, after bottling on Saturday, there are 780 full stubbs in the shed!

I thought I was doing well with 280 Long Necks lol.
Why do you bottle in stubbies?
Every time I bottle I do 2-3 stubbies per batch as "testers".
Thought about bottling in stubbs but thought twice about double the cleaning, capping etc...
Do you find any benefits from stubbies?
