? For The Sparkys ?

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Anyway I was talking to a sparky and showed him this page on the hosts computer he recons I should trun off the house Get a hose and wash out the mud . I dont know about holding a hose aimed at the power board and standing in wet mud 2" deep. Sounds silly to me. He told me he was working in kathrin after the 98flood and they did heeps of boxes like that and most work fine after. Just need to get the mud out otherwise they can jam the breakers. as you guys pointed out .
Even if you 'turn off the house' there is still power routed to the box from your supplier. Sounds silly to me too ! Keep the hose away and persevere with the sparky solution. You don't want to 'Dance with the naughty fairies' as a good mate put it once.
Geez!!! FNQ

That sure is some water you've had there. Certainly hope none of it has got into the beer systems :eek:

With regard to the electrics, after looking at the pics, I do believe you have problems there. The Hager ELCB unit next to the GPO, I'm picking should have tripped & not reset with all that moisture around.

My suggestion to you would be to have a sparky or the Supply Authority do an earth loop impedance test to check the wellbeing of the system to your house.

Also the sparky should have the test gear for the ELCB unit, which should be tested to ensure it does trip at it's specified rating. And have him see to the cord & plug while he's there. ;)

These tests should be done after the board has been cleaned & dried. Get a qualified guy to do all that FNQ. He can arrange the appropriate isolation of the supply. The last thing you need is a shock or a flashover when you are poking 'round in there. :eek:

Unfortunately I'm far, far too far away to pop over & help with these checks.

Good Luck :beer:
Thanks Sparky , I do a bit of work for a local plumber , we do a barter thing for plumbing bits and pieces ect . I have mentioned to one of the local sparkys that I could do somthing similar for a few new breakers , ceiling fans and maybe a few cheeks. and just need the time to arange a day or 2 out with him ...


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