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Not unless someones discovered a way to disguise an oyster as a mussel.
Ducatiboy stu said:
When you look at it, if your job is just to make beer and clean up afterwards its not that hard, or even technical. Think about. All you have to do is measure the ingreadients and make sure the temps are correct, and since there is a reasonable degree of automation it makes it even easier. Basically all you are is a process worker with a set of simple instructions. If you think brewing is hard then you are probably not doing it right. Btewing is sort of like baking. Measure the ingreadients, mix it, set the oven... You dont need a science degree to be a baker ( sure you need an apprenticeship ). I think people tend believe there is lots of money to be made from beer. The reality is some what different.
And that ignorant attitude is why you would not get a look in. Mate, professional brewing is a lot different to being a lord over a 20 litre bucket.

Yeah, getting decent life out of a DE filter bed is not at all technical mate.

Are you missing a gland or something which normally moderates the compulsive urge to publish every thought you have, regardless of merit?

Ed: grandmmar
And, I think it would be a great place to work. The guys are not green, they are demonstrating good decision making and experiencing growth because of it. They know the rules of the game and are playing well.

For a person with the all-rounder skills that they listed in the ad, it sounds like a sweet gig.
koots said:
I'm with ducatiboy on the site part. I agree KPI's are important to a business. However most places I've worked are straight away shitting on the worker when they're not met rather than looking at reasons why they aren't met. It never seems to fall back on middle management for not organising the work properly. It's how KPI's are measured that is important.

In my industry (mechanical), we get reamed when a job isn't finished on time. Though no-one ever pineapples the project manager for not organising the required gear, crane, etc etc to be there which can hold up progress for hours. Site based work needs dynamic KPI's, or a completely different approach to measuring success. Our jobs are quoted and planned by someone in an office who isn't a tradesman and hasn't even been for a site visit and then when it takes a bit longer or needed parts/repairs that weren't included it is somehow our fault. But when we finish them quicker and identify and solve extra faults there is no reward or praise. So I'm gunna have to say also, **** managers and **** HR.

mje, I've been keeping an eye out in there for you lately
Could'nt agree more,the last 2companies I worked for had the same attitude and wondered why the boys would get pissed off.
Meetings were held but actions never taken.
The $ going down the drain must have been amazing, I now work on my own (chippy) and any B S is of my own making.
We need another thread where people air their frustration at business modelling, management and the KPI management tool.
Bizier said:
We need another thread where people air their frustration at business modelling, management and the KPI management tool.
Too late,everyone is feeling better now :)....
Bizier said:
We need another thread where people air their frustration at business modelling, management and the KPI management tool.
I think some of us need to realise that this thread has absolutely zero importance at all. Who gives a **** if it goes OT (which it hasn't - this is a DISCUSSION BOARD, not a wiki)? Some dude posted a link for those who may be interested - nothing has occurred in this thread that prevents the link from being useful to those for whom it may be relevant.

How about we take the same critical view of the ******** that passes for brewing advice instead?
I found KPIs start making sense when your manager is a bit more than a bean counter. Also, the manager's kpi need to link into the employee's kpi.

Unfortunately there seem to be many managers who just don't know enough about what they are trying to manage. But then again, there are a lot lot more that do. As an employee I used to set my own kpi, targets for success and goals for all time frames. Now, I ensure each of my staff get clear direction of what I expect out of them. Funny enough, nobody at my work bother telling my staff how to do their job because they are already on it.
I had to ask for KPIs and a clear job description. I felt like why they were offering was too vague. I know I'm a good employee and I want the opportunity to demonstrate that. At the end of my first contract I outlined why I deserved a significant pay rise, it was easy because I'd smashed my KPIs.

Now I have new ones to match my increased salary and responsibility. They make it easy to be good at my job, my boss and I both know what I'm doing and why.
bum said:
I think some of us need to realise that this thread has absolutely zero importance at all. Who gives a **** if it goes OT (which it hasn't - this is a DISCUSSION BOARD, not a wiki)? Some dude posted a link for those who may be interested - nothing has occurred in this thread that prevents the link from being useful to those for whom it may be relevant.

How about we take the same critical view of the ******** that passes for brewing advice instead?
I will admit that my suggestion is motivated by my personal sympathy for the Young Henry's cause.

And no doubt, if Stu posted a "Managers are all Twats" or "KPIs are for Tossers" thread, it could live a full and prosperous life, unburdened by any coincidental original context.

ED: unsure where my edit text went.

I made a sarcastic point about searchability to ensure we have accurate recall capacity for that time, years forward, that we wish to know who had that opinion about ****** managers.

AND yes, I acknowledge I am a dirty fat hypocrite, I am a ******* LORD thread-derailler.
Bizier said:
I will admit that my suggestion is motivated by my personal sympathy for the Young Henry's cause.

And no doubt, if Stu posted a "Managers are all Twats" or "KPIs are for Tossers" thread, it could live a full and prosperous life, unburdened by any coincidental original context.

But then we would never have got this gem...

Bizier said:
Are you missing a gland or something which normally moderates the compulsive urge to publish every thought you have, regardless of merit?
Bizier said:
Are you missing a gland or something which normally moderates the compulsive urge to publish every thought you have, regardless of merit?

Ed: grandmmar

I make no apologies, and will cop it on the chin if need be.

Would you.
I have no issue with YH . If they manage to stick it to the big guys then that can only be a good thing. I have no issue about how they run their business either. Sure I had a rant, but not a rant against YH.
Ducatiboy stu said:
Would you.
I don't know if this is a question as to whether I would cop criticism on the chin, or whether you are politely offering something to me.

I am sure we would enjoy a beer together in person mate. You are just a titch off the mark when it comes to commercial breweries.

ED: and it didn't come across as being 'against' YH. You just inferred that you can scale homebrew technique exponentially and that you will have a successful brewery, and that a simple management technique has no place in such a business. It just hit a little nerve with me.
Not the first thread I have been off the mark.

A few beers sounds good. YH sounds like a good long as there isnt a Tooheys tap.
I know one thing. You would not run the $400 million mining project I am working on, under big $ shutdown pressure, without a project manager like ours. He is a gun. Leadership is critical when the stakes are high. Yes some managers are useless but they only get away with it in a cruisy environment.

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As long as you guys take photos of bizier coping it on the chin....
I guess if you guys really get along both of you will cop it on the chin

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