Hi all,
So Ive barely been brewing for the last year or so and Im moving house soon so the brewery has to go. Included is absolutely everything you need to get started straight away.
Brewery consists of:
60L Aluminium Pot
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
Stainless Beerbelly Pickup Tube
CPC Polysulfone Male QD
40L 2400W Birko Urn
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
Dial Thermometer
Stainless Hose Barb
Mash Tun
50L Esky
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
CPC Polysulfone Male QD
Copper Manifold
Mashmaster Dial Thermometer
23 Jet Mongolian Burner
Metal Stand
Plate Chiller
20 Plate Chiller
2x Stainless Elbows
2x CPC Polysulfone Male QD
March Pump 809
2x Stainless Elbows
2x CPC Polysulfone Male QD
2x Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
2-teir for HLT & MT
Plumbed for easy filling of HLT/Plate Chiller
On Castors
Fermentation Fridge
470L Fridgeair Side By Side
Craftbrewer Tempmate Temp Controller
Can fit 2x 30L Fermenters
Heat Belt
2 Roller Monster Mill
Wooden Bucket Mount Housing/Hopper
Various Lengths Silicon Hose
4x CPC Polysulfone Female QD
2x 30L Plastic Fermeters w/ Taps, airlocks etc.
2x 5L Glass Demijohns w/ Stoppers & Airlocks
100ish Coopers Crown-seal Longnecks
Bench Capper
3kg Digital Scales (1g Accuracy)
500g Digital Scales (0.1g Accuracy)
2 Plastic Buckets
Couple of Plastic Cubes
Plastic Mash Paddle
Digital Thermometer
Glass Thermometer
Digital Timer w/ 3 programmable timer events
2x 9kg Gas Bottles
Low Pressure Regulator
Stirplate w/ stirbar
3L Erlenmeyer Flask
1L Erlenmayer Flask
Various spare parts including:
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
2x CPC Polysulfone Male QD
Dial Thermometer
Various Stainless Fittings (Hose barbs, Elbows, Ts, Nipples)
Couple of 1 piece ball valves
Some Brass Fittings
25KG Wey Pilsner Malt
5KG Simpsons Marris Otter
A Few KG of various Specialty Malts
Various hops
Couple of packs dry yeast
1/3 Bottle of Starsan
Few Hundred Bottle Caps
A Few Irish Moss Tabs
Rice Hulls
Theres probably some stuff Ive missed but Ill add it as I get it all sorted out. Just did a quick conservative estimate of what I have spent over the years and it came to over $2300 (kinda scary
). Am looking for around $1500 (but am open to realistic offers) for the lot & Im not looking to split. You'll need a ute/trailer & I'm happy to help you load up or I may be able to deliver if you're close to Melb/Geelong for a small fee. If you have any questions or need pics of anything else fire away
So Ive barely been brewing for the last year or so and Im moving house soon so the brewery has to go. Included is absolutely everything you need to get started straight away.
Brewery consists of:
60L Aluminium Pot
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
Stainless Beerbelly Pickup Tube
CPC Polysulfone Male QD
40L 2400W Birko Urn
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
Dial Thermometer
Stainless Hose Barb
Mash Tun
50L Esky
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
CPC Polysulfone Male QD
Copper Manifold
Mashmaster Dial Thermometer
23 Jet Mongolian Burner
Metal Stand
Plate Chiller
20 Plate Chiller
2x Stainless Elbows
2x CPC Polysulfone Male QD
March Pump 809
2x Stainless Elbows
2x CPC Polysulfone Male QD
2x Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
2-teir for HLT & MT
Plumbed for easy filling of HLT/Plate Chiller
On Castors
Fermentation Fridge
470L Fridgeair Side By Side
Craftbrewer Tempmate Temp Controller
Can fit 2x 30L Fermenters
Heat Belt
2 Roller Monster Mill
Wooden Bucket Mount Housing/Hopper
Various Lengths Silicon Hose
4x CPC Polysulfone Female QD
2x 30L Plastic Fermeters w/ Taps, airlocks etc.
2x 5L Glass Demijohns w/ Stoppers & Airlocks
100ish Coopers Crown-seal Longnecks
Bench Capper
3kg Digital Scales (1g Accuracy)
500g Digital Scales (0.1g Accuracy)
2 Plastic Buckets
Couple of Plastic Cubes
Plastic Mash Paddle
Digital Thermometer
Glass Thermometer
Digital Timer w/ 3 programmable timer events
2x 9kg Gas Bottles
Low Pressure Regulator
Stirplate w/ stirbar
3L Erlenmeyer Flask
1L Erlenmayer Flask
Various spare parts including:
Stainless 3-piece Ball Valve
2x CPC Polysulfone Male QD
Dial Thermometer
Various Stainless Fittings (Hose barbs, Elbows, Ts, Nipples)
Couple of 1 piece ball valves
Some Brass Fittings
25KG Wey Pilsner Malt
5KG Simpsons Marris Otter
A Few KG of various Specialty Malts
Various hops
Couple of packs dry yeast
1/3 Bottle of Starsan
Few Hundred Bottle Caps
A Few Irish Moss Tabs
Rice Hulls

Theres probably some stuff Ive missed but Ill add it as I get it all sorted out. Just did a quick conservative estimate of what I have spent over the years and it came to over $2300 (kinda scary