I ended up buying one of these a few months ago, purely out of curiosity really. (Also they ran a bit of a special and they were a little bit cheaper)
I have heard the negatives and I probably agree with most of them, but I will see what happens anyway.
I have quite a few existing hives and have been keeping bees for a few years now so I'd like to think that while I'm by no means any sort of expert,
I'm not a complete noob when it comes to bees!! Obviously knowing the cost of 'normal' gear I was initially very put off by the cost of these hives, but couldn't resist trying one out.
Will be setting the super up on top of an existing hive that will be starting to store honey pretty much straight away so I'll see how it goes!
Should be able to see pretty quickly whether the bees are going to work the frames or not.
I did have a bit of a discussion with another beekeeper a while back about this and we came up with a bit of another theory why the bees may not like it...
It's possible that in the Byron bay area where these were invented the plastic stays warm enough that the bees can still communicate through it with vibrations etc.
But that down here in Melbourne and in other locations with different weather, the bees cannot do this so will therefore avoid the plastic frames. Just a thought.
Anyway I'll post some observations for you guys as the season starts to get going and let you know if I manage to get any honey out of it.