First time I've ever been worried about a brew...

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Brewed a BIAB on sunday, my second Ag...

Cubed it for a no chill and chucked it in the fermenter and pitched on Monday night.

Checked if for the first time tonight and it seems to have got a bit of a crust looking layer on top. First time I've seen such a thing!

The glad wrap wasn't bubbled up like normal, which could be fine if the CO2 has found another way out.

I have RAHAHB bbut still worried there is either an infection or the yeast ain't going.

Stupidly I forgot to take an OG reading. In a day or two I will do a hydro reading but without knowing the OG I can't put much trust in it!

Chances are it's fermented out quickly but I have my doubts...

Pics to follow.
Here's the photo of it, you can see the crusty shit on top...

Yep looks active and healthy, you may just have gotten some hot break or cold break that's lifted to the top as the yeast is active and rising to the top.

Enjoy your second home brew :)
Yeah, I probably did get a bit of hot break in there while I was draining out the last bit of wort from the keggle. Hopefully that's all it is!

Just something I've never come across before doing extracts so that could explain it.

It was just good ole US05 by the way.
Looks very normal... That "crusty shit" is braun hefe and consists of yeast (hefe), trub and hop resins. The resins and trub are the brown bits (braun)

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