First Time Brewing

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I am currently in the process of brewing my first batch of home brew using a Mangrove Jack's cider kit. My brew has been in the fermenter for a little of 48 hours now and I am yet to see any bubbles coming through the airlock. I am fairly sure that my fermenter is air tight as squeezing the sides causes movement in the liquid levels in the air lock. I have sampled the cider and the SG has dropped from 1060 originally to 1040. I noticed there was a decent amount of carbonation in the sample I took and I can hear bubbles when I put my ear to the fermenter.

From what I read before starting my brew I was under the understanding that there isn't really much carbonation that occurs in the fermenter but this is what the secondary fermentation in the bottles was for.

Is this a normal part of the process?
Don't stress about the airlock, it really isn't a good indicator.

Since SG is on the move I'd leave it another 7 days before checking again. Ciders tend to take a while in primary, and there's no sense in dragging oxygen in through the airlock every time you take a sample.

Next time do away with the lid and cover the opening with a piece of glad wrap, secured with the o ring from under the lid. Once i started doing that I wondered why I ever wasted my time with airlocks lids and seals. Less to clean up and you get the bonus of seeing your brew underway.