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Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Thanks for the info, if that's the case I'm happy as long as it tastes good!

Do you mind if I ask a few more questions about the other brews I have on the go? Not sure if this is the right place to ask or if I should start a new topic.
Yeah, post 'em here, no harm keeping it all in the same thread.
I was just going to ask a question then realised it may be a silly one, I have 2 brews on the go same temps both in for a week but with different yeasts. One that's @ 1010 from 1046 with US05 and one that's been sitting on 1015 from 1045 for a few days using the standard coopers yeast. Is this just caused by one yeast being better than the other? I did read that these kit yeasts are kind of crap.
Probably a combination of the different yeasts, and different recipes of those beers. But in general yes, yeasts have different attenuation properties, i.e. how much of the fermentable sugars they'll consume.

Just follow the rule of testing your gravity, and when it's at or near your expected final gravity, test again each day until it's stayed the same 3 days running, and you will be ready to bottle.
The brew that's on 1010 tasted pretty good out the tube so i'm hoping for a nice brew with that one.

You calculated some ingredients for FG in my earlier posts, could you please link me to a good tool for this?

carniebrew said:
Crikey, who's recommending 12 weeks min of bottle conditioning now? I was struggling with waiting 2-3 weeks!
Coopers European Lager.

That was my first brew years ago and I timed it around an overseas trip so I wouldn't get caught out drinking it 'before it was ready.'

Guess what, it was still ****!