First Stout Issues

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Morning all. First time posting :-D
I brewed the XXXX stout from Brewing Classic Styles 3 weeks ago. It was my third attempt at a brew and when the recipe called for I believe 3.69kg LME, I didn't convert to 20% less when using DME. The result is that 3 weeks later I have a rather malty beer that had an O.G. of 1.07 and has stalled (for 4 days at least) at 1.03.

My question is whether more time will help or should I go ahead and bottle it?

Would appreciate your thoughts!
Yeah bottling isn't probably the best idea, there are a few options. Depending on your set up and yeast I'd probably sanitise your long spoon and carefully swirl the yeast up into suspension while increasing your ferment temperatures by maybe 1-2 degrees. There are other options, just look up 'stalled ferment' or similar in the search function.
More yeast, stir, raise temp....
I strongly suspect you underpitched your yeast into 1.070 wort.
It's managed to drop it to 1.030, and is by now probably taking a well earned rest.

Advice above seems to be the way to go.

I can't get my paste and copy to work, but if you go to the forum search function and input "stalled ferment", and select Google from This topic, you will get a string of discussions about your issue.
Yeast was Safale S-04. Temperature 21°C. I'll do some more reading and try your advice above. Thanks for the help!