First Stout /advise ?

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:icon_chickcheers: G'day , I am going to put a brew on and it will be Murphy's Irish Stout (AG)
Do I need corn syrup to give it more of a velvet head or not ? the recipe is :
2.60 kg Pale Malt
230 gm's Chocolate Malt
200 gm's Roasted Barley
110gm's Crystal
Mash In 8.19 l water @ 77.oc hold mash @70.0c for 45 min's
Mash Out add 3.28l of water @ 91.5c hold mash @75.6 c waterfor 10 min's
Sparge with 15.44l of water @ 75.6c
acheive boil vol 22.76 l
90 min boil
it want's Target hop's but i can't get them so I'll use 28gm's of Golding's for 90 min's
230gm's Cane suger 90min's
7gm's Golding's 15 min's
should use Irish Moss but again can't get it at the moment , yer I live on the edge of no were !
I added recipe to help see if i need any more umfff to give it the nice stout feel any advice would be appre,,,
Cheer's Phil

I found a clone recipe in the Sept 08 byo mag for a Murphy's stout

2.72 kg Pale Malt
794g Flaked Barley
397g roasted barley

44g of 5% AA goldings 60mins

Total boil 90 mins

Mash at 3:1 liquor to grist hold at 67 degrees
:icon_chickcheers: Thank's Redmond I"ll keep your recipe I might try your's later
cheer's Phil
p.s what about the corn syrup ?
I wouldn't use the corn syrup myself. If you could get a hold of some flaked barley it adds body and helps with head retention. You might also be able to drop the the cane sugar too.
:icon_chickcheers: Taken on board Redmond
Thank's , Phil

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