I've drunk all my homebrew and I'm still worried.
OK, I woke up this morning and had a look in at my brew just to make sure my baby was still there and I found something interesting. there has been a small layer of sediment on the bottom and I knew this was normal but this morning I woke up to a 2 - 3 inch layer of cloudy stuff above the sediment.
What could this be ?
Is this normal ?
Is this the reason you guys have told me to leave my brew longer to get a clearer beer ?
This is exciting stuff and I need to know.
I hope to can see it here.
Looks perfectly normal to me.
And learn not to be in a hurry. Fermentation is best left to do it's own thing. I never even look at mine in under 2 weeks (well, apart from dropping dry hops in).
I bottle mine only after 2 to 3 weeks in primary.
I know my fermentations take off, because I use enough yeast for the job (liquid yeast starter), add yeast nutrient at the end of the boil, and ensure I aerate properly before I whack the fermenter into the fridge and dial in the TempMate. I only take a final gravity hydro reading when I'm ready to bottle, and just for record keeping.