First Bottle Cracked

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I just cracked my first bottle of coopers biter tonight. It was awsome, had heaps of head and entirely drinkable- much better when coldest though. I made this kit up using the stock coopers kit and 1kg of liquid brewing sugar, brewed at between 20 and 24 degrees. I am paticuarly impressed and the beet part is its value for money. I have a brewtec dark ale next with coopers brewing sugar and 2 tbs of amber malt extrat. Anyway im very pleased with results :D :D
On ya Kenny and welcome to the obsession mate. It's all down hill from here. Well done on keeping the temp down but next time try a bought yeast like a S04 for that dark ale and keep the temp within 18 to 20 and you'll impress yourself even more.


Chappo :)
Ahhh, the first taste, you think it's awesome as you made it yourself....

Now, keep a bottle and save it for when you eventually come over to the dark side of all grain, then try that bottle.......:)
yup kits seem jaded after a hoppy AG.....
I just cracked my first bottle of coopers biter tonight. It was awsome, had heaps of head and entirely drinkable- much better when coldest though. I made this kit up using the stock coopers kit and 1kg of liquid brewing sugar, brewed at between 20 and 24 degrees. I am paticuarly impressed and the beet part is its value for money. I have a brewtec dark ale next with coopers brewing sugar and 2 tbs of amber malt extrat. Anyway im very pleased with results :D :D
Good stuff, mate.
I still remember how bloody pleased I was with my first home brew.
Congrats buddy..

Try your next one with all malt extract and see what you think..
Congratulations and commiserations, like Chappo said its all downhill fom here into the obsession.

2 weeks is pretty keen, it will be much better after at least a month, probably more towards 2 months. The best thing to do is to drink one or two bottles per week and see if they change over time. If you can last that long though! I rememeber my first brew didn't last too long at all.
I am paticuarly impressed and the beet part is its value for money.
Anyway im very pleased with results :D :D

And value for money is still one of the reasons why I brew, apart from many others like It's just good, I can brew whatever I feel like, It's a fun and interesting hobby where I get to drink the results.

Good to see that you are pleased with the results it will get better from here as you keep brewing.

Now, keep a bottle and save it for when you eventually come over to the dark side of all grain, then try that bottle....... :)

Yep know what you mean here Pollux. I have a few cartons that are good beers in comparison the likes of XXXX but I just can't drink them. Well not all at once anyway.

... It's all down hill from here. ...

... its all downhill fom here into the obsession....

I'm not sure 'downhill' is the word I'd use. Probably more like 'uphill' I reckon :icon_cheers:

edit: Argh! What happened, my favourite smiley has disappeared!!! B) B) B) B) :(
I still have some of my first if you wanna crack 'em! :p

Seriously, well done mate.. it is only something about a hill from here!

Edit: Edited stuff.
2 weeks is pretty keen, it will be much better after at least a month, probably more towards 2 months.

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Nothing around here makes it that far in a bottle :chug: :chug: :chug: :chug:
yup it's all uphill for learning and all downhill for the hobby.. if it tastes good you are hooked...

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