First Biab Recipe Needed

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Very true. First time brewing you'll experience lot of things and learn eventually for the next batch.
Well, I gave it another taste the other day after its been CCing for a couple of days and the "grain" taste is still there. In an effort to save the brew im thinking of throwing it back into a carboy together with some liquid malt extract and get it fermenting again.

1. What's the thoughts on this? would it work?

2. Would there be enough yeast in the secondary left to start it off?

Still thinking of doing the above, ie chucking some malt in and trying a 2nd ferment, but I read in Palmer's How to Brew that the sparging water should not be above 170 F (78C) as this could lead to the beer being astringent, well when i was trying to do my sparging i think the water was hotter than this (around 85?), would this have made such an impact?

My only other thought is that I milled the grain too fine. I used a blender and it looked a little bit more fine than the pictures in Nick_JD's 20l Stovetop All Grain Aussie Lager l thread, but im only guessing.

Going to give a lager AG a go in a couple of days so I would know how i went wrong,

Thanks in advance

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