First BIAB Pale Ale/IPA Recipe Suggestions w/ Citra/Centennial/Galaxy

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I use a base recipe given to me by my local shop, it's essentially their Sierra Nevada Pale clone base, and just change around the hops.

My base additions for smash is as follows-
10 ibu each at 60, 20, and 5, with a 10 minute hop stand of 5 ibu (optional)
Dry hop with 1g/L for 4-5 days maximum, i find it gets a bit grassy past that point with some hops (and also learnt that The Alchemist only dry hop their hop bombed Heady Topper a maximum of 4-5 so if it's good enough for them!!)

I use BB Pale or Maris Otter at 100% in a Smash, but you could add say 2.5% carapils and 5% of a cara-something (caramalt, caravienne or caramunich do a great job here)

That's my 2C anyway, I actually dumped 2 Smashes due to infection (bloody fruit flies got into the airlock!) but my most recent one was done minus the 5 ibu hop stand and it turned out absolutely superb. Used Azacca from Yakima Valley (60g packet for $3!!) and basically did it as per that, and dumped the rest in for 4 days on the dry hop. Great sessionable pale ale
fattox said:
I use a base recipe given to me by my local shop, it's essentially their Sierra Nevada Pale clone base, and just change around the hops.
whats the base recipe/grain bill?