Well.. finally got it down and learnt a few lessons at the same time.
- 68C water is pretty hot... don't put your hand in to try and push the bag down (brain fart moment indeed)
- Going from no boil to boilover happens very quickly... don't wander out of the garage trying to find a nice spot to empty your grain bag into a plastic bag
- Poking your measuring stick (no euphemisms intended) into your boiling wort can also cause "boiling over"
- Don't do your first BIAB brew after work on a week day or else you won't be in bed till past 12!
- A 19L pot aint **** for 16.5L of water and 2.5kg of grain.... Get a bigger bloody pot!
- Need to pay more attention. Got my hop additions the wrong way around and threw the 20g aroma hops in at the beginning (no biggie... just a little less aroma and a little bit more bitterness).
- Dropping the remote for you wireless thermometer into the icebath because you are lazy and don't find a good spot to put it is just plain dumb.
Rehydrated a full pack of Danstar Nottingham (probably a bit of overkill)... and pitched at a little too high a temperature but it should've dropped down fairly rapidly with the ice bath as it's only about 10L (it probably dropped a little as I syphoned it from BV to FV as well).
In the end I had a few small hiccups and made a number of mistakes. I accidentally let the grain get up to 73C while mashing as I relit the burner but didn't pay attention closely enough to it. Hope this doesn't affect too adversely. I did a bit of a "ghetto sparge" and ended up with about 2L more pre boil than I was supposed to. I decided therefore to let it boil for about 5-10 minutes more and after cooling ended up with about 1L less than I was supposed to... oh well. My OG after boiling seemed to be about 1.035 which is below the 1.050 target. **** efficiency? This leads me to a question:
When I first measured post boil I'm fairly certain my refractometer read 1.035 or thereabouts. I later took a reading from what I left in the bottom of the pot after syphoning to the FV being sure not to pick up any of the crud (I let it settle for about 5-10 minutes) I took a reading and it read 1.060. What gives? Shouldn't the wort at the bottom of the pot have the same gravity reading?
Here's a few pics
On a side note... I gotta learn to do the image linky thing where when you click on the thumbnail it opens the image "over" the current thread you're reading rather than loading the image in place of the thread (i.e. so you can click the close X rather than have to hit back on your browser).