On the back bloody porch!
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One All Grain Vienna Lager now resides in my fridge. Thanks to Col for CRUSHING my grain and popping round for moral support (even though I'd actually just finished). Started at 10.00am mashed in with 13.5 litres water at 78 degrees. Came down to 68 after stirring in. (Need longer spoon - kept burning my fingers!). Stayed at 68 for 60 mins - perfect. Drained into keg and sparged with 14 litres of water at 80 degrees. Fired up the burner, brought to boil (after about 30 mins - it was windy!). Added 60gms Saaz at 60 mins, at 30 mins added 25gms Hallertaue Mittlefruh, at 15mins put the chiller in to sterilize, at 10 mins added 15 gms Hallertaue Mittlefruh. Turned boiler off, cranked up the chiller. It was down to 20 degrees in 20 mins. Hoiked the keg up on the BBQ with fermenter underneath. Put in me conical sieve, turned the tap on - hey presto 20 litres of fresh wort. The sieve caught all the hop gunk as my keg doesnt have a filter...topped fermenter up to 23 litres.... chucked in 2 packets W34/70. Put im to bed in the fridge at 10 degrees. Happily krausenen this morning. Absolute PIECE O PISS! No dramas, no hiccups. Finished at 3.00pm - total 5 hours for me first all grain. Very happy!
P.S. Cheers also to Jay (manean) for selling me his decommissed gear and cheers to all you rabble for turning me from a kit brewer to partial to AG within a month! Excellent - pat yourselves on the back. My wife hates you all. :lol:
P.P.S. SG was 1060 before topping wort up to 23 litres. Cheerin
P.S. Cheers also to Jay (manean) for selling me his decommissed gear and cheers to all you rabble for turning me from a kit brewer to partial to AG within a month! Excellent - pat yourselves on the back. My wife hates you all. :lol:
P.P.S. SG was 1060 before topping wort up to 23 litres. Cheerin