Fermenting Temperature Range - Saflarger S-23

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Ok I have got myself a fridge to ferment my beer in

im making another brewcraft heineken kit and using saflarger S-23

the temperature of the fridge sits at around 15 degrees celcious

can someone tell me if this temperature is ideal for fermenting with the saflarger yeast or should I set it at a lower temperature??

naturally heineken is a pillsner style beer if it makes any difference with temperature?
Ideal temperature would be around 10C.
look here. each yeast has a good description of temp range etc.

generally speaking lagers are good at 6-12C. safe at 10C
Out of curiosity, what's the absolute minimum temperature Saflager S-23 can handle before going in to suspended animation? My fridge tends to bounce between 8C-10C. Will this be alright?
Out of curiosity, what's the absolute minimum temperature Saflager S-23 can handle before going in to suspended animation? My fridge tends to bounce between 8C-10C. Will this be alright?

That will be absolutly fine! The colder the longer it will take but. Just keep an eye on the gravity and make sure it comes down to what you would expect before you bottle...