Hi sav, I'm having a red wine after dinnner, what are you having?
Wow, this thread went OT quickly.
Afterall, it was a ripper new piece of read wasnt it.
I just had a vision of a fermenter sitting in a top-loading washing machine.
Thanks for the opportunity I've been looking for to point this out - it's been coming up a few times lately...only if you really like oxidised beer.
Automating this might be as simple as some sort of vibrating plate under the fermenter that kicks off every so often and shakes the yeastcake back into the path that the krausen's taking.
It might be easier just to build a lazy Susan to sit your fermenter on though, give it a spin every now and again, motorized if you like your gadgets?
I considered making the joke myself, but thought I'd try to keep the civility of this thread at a level at least equal to where it started.What about one of these?
This is the argument I get each time I discuss the topic - and it's come to argument - but I'm yet to be convinced that even a good vortex is pulling in a significant amount of oxygen through the neck of a conical flask sealed loosely with foil. If that WERE true, then surely I could test it by simply replacing the foil with some sort of device that indicates the direction of pressure... say, an S-bend airlock, perhaps.Also, most guides I have read about making stir plate starters, and how everyone who i have seen make a stirplate starter does it, suggest you don't use something that will provide a positive seal like an airlock, but instead you use a bit of foil scrunched over your flask. A loose enough cover so that oxygen is still able to diffuse into the flask and balance the partial pressures.