Fermenter Not Bubbling?

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i've had my fermenter in a fridge for a week now since i made the kit, but i havent seen much bubbling action through the air lock, how long does it generally take before this happens or does it happen in the final stages of fermentation??

the fridge is sitting around 10-12 degrees
What are you brewing?
What yeast?
Is the lid on tight? (air may escape and there may never be bubbles in the airlock)
Is there condensation on the underside of the lid?
Is there evidence of a krausen?
Has the SG dropped at all?
Ale or Lager Yeast ? Too cold for Ale yeasties.
He's gone, I hope he hasnt fallen into the fermenter...

I have one link....do I hear 2? Link auction, ladies and gents...any advance on 1?
sorry guys, been away for past few days

ok here we go on details

Beer type : Brewcraft Heineken using Saflarger S-23

Yes there is condensation on top of the lid of fermenter

Yes there is some fermentation going on with a crust line above the fluid level

the SG is at 1.020 which would mean its getting close to bottling, maybe another few days

according to the dutch larger can they say SG should be around 1.008 to start to bottle
the SG is at 1.020 which would mean its getting close to bottling, maybe another few days

according to the dutch larger can they say SG should be around 1.008 to start to bottle

Don't go only by the can's instructions, wait until the SG stabilises over a few consecutive days before you start bottling.