First Time poster here,
I have a Coopers Draught Kit (with Morgan's Ale Yeast, Coopers Brew Enhancer 1) that has been in the fermenter for 13 days. OG was 1038 and the SG is and has been 1018 for a week. The temp was around 20 for the first week but has since wavered between 16 and 18. I would like to bottle tomorrow but I'm concerned that I could be making bottle bombs. The beer smells good, no action through airlock, no froth on the surface and I checked the hydrometer against tap water and it was okay. Should i bottle now or go and get a heat pad/belt, raise the temp to 20+ and see if the SG drops over a few days?
I have a Coopers Draught Kit (with Morgan's Ale Yeast, Coopers Brew Enhancer 1) that has been in the fermenter for 13 days. OG was 1038 and the SG is and has been 1018 for a week. The temp was around 20 for the first week but has since wavered between 16 and 18. I would like to bottle tomorrow but I'm concerned that I could be making bottle bombs. The beer smells good, no action through airlock, no froth on the surface and I checked the hydrometer against tap water and it was okay. Should i bottle now or go and get a heat pad/belt, raise the temp to 20+ and see if the SG drops over a few days?