I've just added my second fermenting fridge after receiving another temp controller today. I was thinking I won't need a heater ATM as our overnight minimums have been over 17-18, and over the next few months I'll get higher.
My concern now, which might be unfounded, is that between the probe (in the wort) reaching the controller set temp to switch off the fridge, and the inside of the fridge being much colder to achieve this. I'm thinking there might be a lag effect which could be lessened quicker to a reasonable balance if there were a heater to counter it.
I'm still monitoring this to see if it is of any consequence, but $20 for another heater belt which I'll need over Winter might be on the cards.
My concern now, which might be unfounded, is that between the probe (in the wort) reaching the controller set temp to switch off the fridge, and the inside of the fridge being much colder to achieve this. I'm thinking there might be a lag effect which could be lessened quicker to a reasonable balance if there were a heater to counter it.
I'm still monitoring this to see if it is of any consequence, but $20 for another heater belt which I'll need over Winter might be on the cards.