I've been reading a lot about fading hop flavor in IPA's and was wondering what is the best aging time for them I have a imperial ipa than I'm planning on aging for a few months will I loose the hop flavor. Is there a particular aging period.
Droopy Brew said:Me? if its got gas it gets drunk.
Perth is a long way, we understand... True, if you are talking about a big Russian Imperial Stout or American Barleywine. A beer may benefit from "ageing" if it has a big, complex malt bill, a hop schedule requiring a shitload of hops (metric), a lot of spices, fruit or vegetables, a high percentage of adjuncts or maybe an extreme fermentation profile. Most beer, especially a pale ale is none of that.RAD1 said:Sorry for the late reply it's in a keg. I was always under the impression that the longer you age them for the smother they get.
So if you have gas you get drunk....NewtownClown said:Me? When I get drunk I get gas