I put down a Finest Round Amarillo Ale just before my boy was born a few months back, he was delivered and had no time to bottle it, so it got tipped after 7 weeks in the jerry can.
I put down another a little while back, OG and FG were spot on as per the instructions, and 10 days later bottled it, smelling awesome. Its only been 7 days in the bottle but the PET passed the squeeze test so I put one in the fridge overnight and tried it today - OMG, brilliant beer. Really nicely carbonated too helps, nice bright clean taste. I DID dry hop with 3 tea bags rather than the included 2, but pretty much a by the book test of the kit and Im loving it. Ive got a FR Blonde Ale in at the moment, bolstered with 20gm of Galaxy and a nelson sav teabag. See how that turns out.