English Bitter

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Hi guys. Just got a couple of cans of Coopers English Bitter on special ($10 @ big w).

How does this sound for a recipe?

1 x Coopers English Bitter can, 1 x BE2, 1 x US04... simple as that.
Hi guys. Just got a couple of cans of Coopers English Bitter on special ($10 @ big w).

How does this sound for a recipe?

1 x Coopers English Bitter can, 1 x BE2, 1 x US04... simple as that.

I think you might mean so4

I would add some EKG or fuggles steeping if you have them
Also 200g or steeped crystal will make this really shine
The IBU of this kit is quite higher than the style guidelines so the kit can definitely handle more malt than what is in BE2. Crystal sounds like a great idea.
How about 1kg Brewing sugar + 500g LDME then?

If the IBU in the kit is high i might leave the fuggles hops out then.

I've seen crystal in my LHBS, it's a grain of some kind right? what do i do with it? just put it in with the wort, or do i have to do something to it first?

I hope this isn't too complicated, i'm only a beginner really, this is brew #9 i think!
Re the grain, there's a heap of info on AHB about this so have a bit pf a search and you should find heaps. I really like this kit, it's quite good just with the kit yeast and 500g LDME, I do add some stuff to it now though to spruce it up. Here's what I'd do in your situation,

22L batch
Coopers EB kit
BE2 if you want a full strenght or half of it for a more to style brew
+1 on adding a bit of grain, and 200g is about where I'd sit
If you want same fresh hop aroma/flavour then I'd go for Styrian Goldings, about 1gL in the fermenter after 3-4 days (I think from memory it's also the hop used in the kit, or the extract of it anyway, not sure)
Yeast, if your sticking to dry then S-04 would be a wise choice, I prefer the Danstar Nottingham or Windsor, but to each their own
I found this kit on it's own was lacking and needed grain and a hop addition but not so much for bittering. I wouldn't personally be using sugar in this for full strength. Go all malt so 1kg of ldme would work nicely, this is more personal as the fuller mouthfeel is good for darker beers but might not quite be to style.

Don't be afraid to try new things as it will transform your brews by adding more simple additions. Grains such as crystal need to be steeped. This basically invovles heating water to around 60 degrees then placing the grain in it and covering for around 30 Mins then boil the remainig liqud (remove the grain never boil) where you can drop your hops in and use that 2-3l as the boiling water needed to dissolve the can and malt/sugar.
With the hops, the kit is bitter enough so just go with late hops. This can be as easy as pouring some hot water over some hops in a sanitised mug and leaving them to steep, just like tea. Then tip this into your fermenter along with everything else.

If you decide to steep some crystal, you need to boil the liquid after straining out the grains as in a previous post. Just chuck the hops in a few minutes before the end of you boil.

If you want to keep it simple I would go kit + BE2 + 500g malt, just use 1/2 the pack of BE2 if you don't want to push up the alc%. Steep some hops and use a good yeast.
Thanks for the great replies and advice guys! I'm going to the LHBS today to see what they have in terms of hops and crystal. You've all given me the encouragement to take the next step, thanks again.
I used the following ingredients, comes out great,

Coopers English Bitter Tin

Brewcraft Beer Kit Converter #70 (English Bitter)

Light Dry Malt 500g

Crystal Grain 150g (Comes in Converter kit #70)

Goldings Hops 15g (Comes in Converter kit #70) for 1min

Safale S-04

21 liters

Ferment @ 18c

2 weeks cold chilled in the keg.

Serve around 5 to 6 deg c, Full of flavour and a nice bitter finish.

Cheers WoolBrew :icon_cheers:
OK, I went to the LHBS, (very unhelpful there, not like here...), and I came home with:

Safale s-04
Morgan's Finishing Hops (Goldings)
Copper Tun cracked crystal grain

Already had:

Coopers LDME (from Big W $2.44 on special!)
Coopers English Bitter (as above $9.95)

Couldn't get any BE2, so might go to another supermarket to get some, otherwise I'll just put it down as is this w/e after I bottle my "Ringwood Draught".
Sounds good. Getting fresh hops and grain would be better but remember for future brews don't stress it will be fine. I'd grab another dry malt extract so can, 1kg dry malt, steeped grain, hops and the s04 yeast.
Got excited and put it down just now.

English Bitter x 1
LDME x 2
Goldings Hops
Crystal 200g

I boiled about a litre or so of water and poured it over the crystal and let it sit for about 30 mins, then strained it through a tea towel, and let it simmer for about 30 mins with the hops teabag (after 10 mins) for about 20 mins.

IG: 1036

tasted good to me (but what the @&$# would i know?) .. anyway I'll let you know when it's done and how it comes out.

Anyone who lives near Port is welcome to come over to try one in a month or so...

Happy Brewing!
Check it out I just picked up a can of this for $3!!!!! from Coles, looked like everything else had seriously cleared out because all they had was the English Bitter, couple cans of Ginger Beer + Ciders, and a packet of bottle caps (**** just realised I needed too buy a pack of bottle caps)
Hmmm, not much airlock activity.... put your keyboards away i'm just kidding. I used the gladwrap method... thought i'd do a test sample to see how it's going, and it's on 1016 after three days at 20-22 degrees. Tasted the sample tube and it's going to be my best beer yet. I'll bottle it next weekend. Thanks again to all contributors. I have three more cans of this stuff lined up! And another coles toucan, and a ginger beer...