Election Day Brew

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Vote early and then brew on election day, **** the political circus!
yep I'm postal voting and taking the mrs and dog camping friday through monday... no TV that way so can pretend the election never happened.... with homebrew.... of course! :)
Crown Ambassador - dressed up all nice, costs an arm and a leg, but when you get down to it just more of the same old ****
Coincidentally but very appropriately I'm planning on brewing my Two Wrongs Pale Ale
I won't be brewing on election day, I'll be drinking. Heavily.
I'm brewing a 'Fanny Beer' cause their a bunch of c***s

Do they really think we are that stupid to accept them putting that Muppet in place to do all the dirty work, and pulling her out the way before the election so they can get votes?
or maybe an APA, Australia Paper Ale, with all these letters and crap they keep sending me.
An American Farmhouse Style Saison today..
Cause I"ll be drinking tomorrow to forget about this bloody election.
Infected Vagina Ale (On tap). Pollies may look fine but they are rotten on the inside.(and a bit fishy, I reckon) :icon_vomit:

hmmm........got me thinking of yeast cultures. A new brewers strain maybe?
Something sour. To match my mood.

No matter what we do one of those numpties will get in.
I plan on brewing a Coopers Lager, as per the instructions I saw on the television, then complaining endlessly about it for the next 4 years.

I know I could make something better myself, if I put some actual effort in, but I'm just too damn lazy and comfortable to be bothered.
Abbott's Mid (class welfare)
Hockey's budget lambic (infected with wild numbers)
Lnp boatrocker lager, hopped with pride of white Australia hops.
Greens low carb tofu red ale. Aka bleeding heart red ale.
Rudds mandarin rice wine.
Abbott's 2% trappist ale - had to make cutbacks on my grist.
katter's Kat piss lager - for the man on the land.
Palmers no proof IPA - releasing 70 billion ibus recycling hops into the boil economy.
This is my favorite:
Palmers no proof IPA - releasing 70 billion ibus recycling hops into the boil economy.

Murdoch's wife's imported Nazi informant Chinese spy lucky beer.

Chinoise hops anyone?