Elderflower Flavour In An English Golden Ale

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I'm looking to replicate (or try to) the Badger Golden Ale. I'm a bit stumped as to what form my Elderflower ingredient takes. Any suggestions on it's format and the amount for a 25L batch?
A beer close to my heart

Elderflower is a very delicate flavour aroma , my mother used to make Elder flower champagne and it was like Martini Asti Spumanti .

You will need to find fresh elderflowers in the cooler climates in Australia from the the tree/bush in the hedgerows that also form the black elderberry which many home winemakes use .

However your best bet would be too go for the dried elderflowers which I have not yet found in Australia but must be available in some herb shop somewhere.

a simple recipe for 23 litres it is very golden this recipe is just aa guess I cant remember the hop flavour the elderfower did come across distinctly so this is just a guess

4kg of pale ale malt
200 grams of a a light crystal
20 grams bittering hops EKG at 60 min
20 grams flavour hops at 15 mins
add the dry elderflowers at flameout and
add dry elderflowers when it has fermented
US 56 yeast

pumpy :)
What about adding elderflower cordial after fermentation has finished? Don't know about the availability of the flowers in Australia.
I found them dried in the tea section of a hippy food shop a few years back. Brewed a elderflower peach mead. Very nice. I'm guessing you can still find them.

Got a plant growning in my garden but its yet to flower, only 6 months old at this point, got it from the local nursery with a view to making said beer