eBay stock pots

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I've been looking at a few ~100L stockpots on ebay. Specifically the SOGA branded ones from buyinaus and the ones from thebestguys

Anyone here bought one these? Thoughts?
I had a 98l Soga pot. It was good quality, heavier duty than the SS brewtech Kettle I replaced it with. I'm actually looking for some new pot for a 100l 3V myself and I'm eyeing off the sogas again. Although I would rather a tall pot than the square dimensions of the soga ones.
Tall maybe for MLT and HLT but for Kettle I like wide and well over size for brew length, really helps with keeping trub and hop matter out of the fermenter if there's space for a nice trub cone after whirlpool.
Good point.

Also, those taps on their 'Bear Brewery' pots look pretty ordinary. I'd just go for the pot and drill it myself.
Good to hear the soga pots are good quality. I agree those taps look pretty naff to me too, would rather just buy the pot and finish it myself.
I used a 98L Soga as a kettle for 2.5 years as electric and also gas. Never missed a beat. Also contact them and ask if they have any factory seconds etc. I got my 98L for $70 because it had a scratch.
Nice one, yeah I think a trip to the warehouse might be in order next week. Save a bunch on shipping...
I picked mine up from a house somewhere past dandenong. That was a while ago though