It's all about the Beer
$21.50 for 200gms.
I'm doing it wrong! B)
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$21.50 for 200gms.
$59 corona lookalike grain mill, free postage!
those grinders spin very fast so you have no control over the speed just the gap
i mucked about with a proper commercial coffee grinder i had (rossi RR45) but it looked like it created a lot of flour.
i opened up the gap a fair way so it would sort of just rub them into bits rather than "grind" them but compared to my mill there was a lot more finer material.
ask the seller if they have flat burrs or a conical type plate set, it says 61mm knife but flat or ? i reckon flat plates would be better
in the end i bought a mashmaster mini, a good mill is money worth spending i reckon.
Mmmmm..... Ukraine beer crusher!!!! ????
$59 corona lookalike grain mill, free postage!
Holds 1/2 kilo. Anyone used one of these? are they any good??? Might end up with an arm like Popeye
An AHB member?Braumeister - next gen type thing
Rims Brewery - prototype - works well - all grain brewery - mash tun - kettle
some good pics in the link in ad
Comms Rack, could make a cool brew stand, even has fans in the top which could be useful (maybe).
Comms Rack Link
Ashtonfield, NSW