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Tidy looking fridge there Cliffo, GL with the sale.
This could be of interest to Brissy brewers....cost you around $500.00 by the look of it.
That's not working hey? Item number: 170178632638
600 litre mash tun :lol:
Maybe for Crozdog ??
then I really could just live out my long time dream and rock up at your place with a keg to fillHA HA Good find doggie, tongue.gif If only it were a conical fermenter cool.gif
Well excuse me for not reading all your posts <_<
Thanks all the same
I've got a 10 tap S/S flooded font for sale shortly
over $4k. bloody hell I should start making these and selling them. Im a damn good welder and have all the tools. then again I guess its the time involved.